General Superintendent MessageLeadership

3 Systems to Develop a Healthy Church

By General Superintendent Rev Dominic Yeo

There are routines that we put in place to keep our lives in a good state of mind and health. Eating habits, exercise routines, as well as not neglecting our Time with God. Similarly, there are systems that need to be in place to develop a healthy church. There are many other important systems, but I would like to focus on these three as primary.

1.         System for Discipleship and Spiritual Formation

“Make disciples of all nations.” Has been the mandate of Christ to the Church. Beyond accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, a healthy church needs to have a systematic and structured disciple system to nurture the spiritual growth of its members. A church that doesn’t have a discipleship program is akin to a hospital delivery room with no nursery to go to.

Spiritual growth is a natural progression, and the leadership of the church needs to ensure a system is in place for enabling new believers to grow in their knowledge of God and develop spiritual disciplines that will strengthen them in their walk with God.

Spiritual growth is a natural progression, and the leadership of the church needs to ensure a system is in place for enabling new believers to grow in their knowledge of God and develop spiritual disciplines that will strengthen them in their walk with God.

Without spiritual growth, there will be no spiritual transformation, no becoming more like Christ. Without spiritual development, there is no strengthening of faith and convictions. Without spiritual formation, members have nothing to guard themselves against the distractions and temptations of the world.

It’s not difficult to implement this system, but it requires intentional planning. Discipleship can take place through small groups, Christian education classes, age-appropriate teachings, mentorship programs, and membership classes. It’s also important to look into the spiritual diet of the church that is taught in the weekend services. Do we challenge members to uphold Christian standards wherever they are? Do we teach members to give in faith and obedience or do we shy away from difficult and sensitive practices?

2.         System for Outreach and Community Engagement

Christ came to save and seek the lost. Christ didn’t simply come to establish His church. He came to make disciples and commissioned us to be fishers of men! A church that doesn’t share the Gospel is void of God’s heart, with no meaning to her existence.

The Church doesn’t exist for itself. Your church is a lighthouse where you have been positioned. No matter how small your church or group may be, you are called to be the salt and light of the world. Just as Romans 10:14-15 says, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” Without reaching out, it is impossible to spread the word of Christ to our community, much less to reach the world.

The Church doesn’t exist for itself. Your church is a lighthouse where you have been positioned.

Churches need to communicate the heart of God for the lost and equip their members to effectively share their faith. A simple way to allow for outreach is to have a welcoming and inclusive environment where newcomers feel accepted and a sense of belonging. Begin a culture of inviting people to church. Conduct training for members to share their faith confidently so that they can bring the Gospel into their homes and community.

Bring the light into the community. Be a blessing to the community. Engage with the community and let people know that you are in the vicinity. Organize seminars or activities that are meaningful and meet the needs of the community. And don’t forget to invite your members to partner together to be fishers of men!

3.         System for Corporate Communications and Congregation Ownership

You might be wondering – why the need for Corporate Communications. Isn’t it only for the mega-churches that are into branding and mass communications? Wrong! If the church is going to effectively reach people – we all need to have better communication. And it begins with what your church stands for – can your members effectively introduce your church to someone else? Are your vision and mission described in a succinct and simple manner?

People are missional beings. Knowing the vision and mission of the church helps people to identify with the church and become a stakeholder. What is the story you want people to associate with your church? Does the appearance of our church and signage communicate the feelings we want people to experience? Do our social media, website, bulletin, and printed materials align with the story we are telling across the board? Do the various ministries in the church carry the same vision and mission?

Knowing the vision and mission of the church helps people to identify with the church and become a stakeholder.

Is the senior pastor’s voice coming through the communication channels? Don’t downplay this as an avoidance of being in the limelight. It’s important for sheep to know their shepherd and know his voice in order to follow him! You are called to leadership – so lead!

Good corporate communication also means communication channels are clear within the church. Members have easy access to all information to participate and engage in church events. Likewise, it will also be easy for members to invite their friends with the same information.

There are many other systems such as leadership and governance, but if we can get these three primary systems in place, I believe we can have strong healthy churches that will thrive in our world today!



我们制定一些常规使我们的生活保持在良好的精神和健康状态 —— 饮食习惯、运动习惯,与神独处的时间也不可少。同样的,健康的教会也需要建立一些系统。虽然教会有好些重要系统,但是我要重点讨论以下三个基要系统。

1.            门徒训练和灵命塑造系统

“使万民作我的门徒。” 一直是基督给教会的使命。除了接受耶稣为主和救主之外,一个健康的教会还需要有一个系统化、结构化的门训系统来培育会友的灵命成长。没有门徒训练计划的教会就像一间医院只有产房,而没有育婴室。




2.            传福音和社区参与系统


教会并不是为了自身而存在。你的教会是你社区的灯塔。无论你的教会或团体有多小,你都被呼召成为世界的盐和光。正如罗马书10:14-15所说: “没有听见他,怎能信他呢?” 如果不走进社区,我们就不可能将基督的话语传入社区,更不用说传遍世界了。



3.            企业传播和会友主权系统

您可能质疑:为什么需要企业传播?那不是只适合致力于品牌推广和大众传播的大型教会吗?你错了!如果教会要有效地传福音,我们就都需要更好的沟通。首先,你的教会代表着什么 — 你的会友能否有效地将你的教会介绍给其他人?你的异象和使命是否以简洁明了的方式描述?





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