Christian LivingGeneral Superintendent Message

A Revival in Every Generation

By Rev Dominic Yeo

The expansion of the Early Church in the Book of Acts reveals how the Pentecostal outpouring led to the embracement of the Gospel beyond the Jews.

As a movement, the Assemblies of God traces our roots back to Azusa Street in 1906. It was a time when Pentecostal power was restored to the church. People started flowing in the gifts of the Spirit—speaking in tongues, releasing prophetic words, and witnessing miracles, signs, and wonders. Church meetings were held continuously as people hungered for more of the Spirit. The Pentecostal experience brought about a spiritual awakening, igniting a worldwide movement.

Each generation has a story to tell. “One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4). Throughout history, there have been several powerful movements of God. The Azusa Street revival is just one of the many revivals the Church has experienced. Here in Singapore, the outpouring of the Spirit upon some Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) students in 1972 was the beginning of the charismatic movement in our nation. Groups of students gathered at the ACS Clock Tower along Barker Road for regular prayer. If you walked up Barker Road Hill in those days, you would have seen groups of ACS boys praying. The students seized every opportunity before, during, and after school hours to cry out to the Lord.

Each generation has its race to run. “…for after David had done the will of God in his own generation, he died…” (Acts 13:36 NLT). In 1994, the Christian Fellowship in Fairfield Methodist Secondary School had a revival after a group of them came together to pray fervently for one entire year on the school’s basketball court. Subsequently, more students from other churches joined in. A great hunger for God grew. Every class had a prayer group. Canteens were empty as students prayed for their generation during recess times. The atmosphere in the school’s Chapel time transformed. At the Easter presentation in school, more than half the school responded to give their lives to Jesus!

Each generation has its own revival. “For the LORD is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:5 ESV) He is faithful to all generations. The Early Church had a Peter who stood up and addressed the crowd, calling them to Jesus and 3,000 were added that day (Acts 2:41). In 1517, there was a Martin Luther who brought about the Protestant Reformation. In 1906, we had William Seymour who led the Pentecostal Reformation of the Church, subsequently giving birth to the Assemblies of God movement in 1914.

I believe a new wave of revivals is coming throughout the world and we have the responsibility to fan the fires of revival.

God wants to move in every generation. I believe a new wave of revivals is coming throughout the world and we have the responsibility to fan the fires of revival. The question is, will you arise to fan the flames or dull the flames of revival in your generation?

We are living in the most exciting time in history. In 2033, we will celebrate the second millennium of the ascension of Jesus Christ and the beginning of Pentecost. The best celebration of that significant milestone will be to present a strong Church and a mighty harvest to the Lord.

The years preceding 2033 are important. We need to recognize that we are living in end times. There is a coming revival that is stirring in the Spirit. The reset of the world happened with COVID-19. As the world emerges out of the pandemic, it is time for the Church to be that shining beacon of hope and salvation for the world.

MM33 represents the Mandate and Mission given to the Church in AD33.

MM33 represents the Mandate and Mission given to the Church in AD33. That commission in Matthew 28:19 echoes through generations. The same Pentecost power for salvation is in us to engage in the greatest work of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting that the world has ever seen.

There has never been a better time to usher in a period of revival than now. The Lord has equipped believers for such a time as this. The Assemblies of God is now a globally connected Movement of God spanning more than 140 countries. Our collective resources, churches, and members around the world have grown and we are poised for greater impact.

Will you rally the call for salvation in your time and in your generation? Will you hunger for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit in your time so that every generation will see revival taking place?






100:5新译本) 祂对每个世代都是信实的。早期教会有站起来对人群说话,呼吁他们归向耶稣的彼得,而当
天门徒增加了三千人 (使徒行传2:41)。在1517年,有带来宗教改革的马丁·路德。在1906年,有带领五旬







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