AG CommunityHappenings


By许秀琴, ACTS 学院, Ms Khor Siew Khim, ACTS College

The Second International Pentecostal Leaders Conference


大会的主题是《在异象上翱翔——MM33: 成为和扩张神的国度》,旨在响应世界神召会团契的异象:“上帝的任命,我们的使命”。通过四场专题、三场论坛和两场复兴聚会,大会加强了参与者对主题的理解,这包括世界神召会团契的十年大计。此大会激发了参与者对自身作为神的国度的认知,并呼唤每个人认识神的使命,借助圣灵的引导扩展神的国度。最终,大会期望能够在MM33献上一百万所教会献给耶稣,彰显祂的荣耀。

MM33 盟约


这次大会提到MM33盟约是以上帝的任命,我们的使命作为天国的扩展! 我们齐心追求将这个全球性团契发展成100万个教会的远景。五旬宗将会通过教会,对上帝的使命的目的,来传讲上帝对人类的救恩。同时,通过教会接受上帝的使命,与神学院合作进行门训装备领袖,使他们乐意传福音与植堂,以确保教会健康成长、增长和发展。此外,大会强调积极的要培育下一代,並且赋予他们能力来领导以及恢复五旬节能力,这是至关重要的关键。其主要目标是在2033年之前增进福音的传播以及植堂工作,使全球未得之民都能听到福音并蒙拯救,进而见证伟大复兴的时刻。



敬拜时间 Worship Time

The Second International Pentecostal Leaders Conference, held from July 5 to 7, 2023, saw the participation of over 600 pastors, leaders, and scholars from six Southeast Asian and East Asian countries and regions, both in person and online.

The conference’s theme, “Soaring in Vision – MM33: Becoming and Expanding God’s Kingdom,” aimed to respond to the vision of the World Pentecostal Fellowship: “God’s Mandate, Our Mission.”

The conference strengthened participants’ understanding of the theme through four keynote sessions, three forums, and two revival gatherings, including the World Pentecostal Fellowship’s ten-year plan. The plan involves presenting one million churches to Jesus by the year MM33 as a commemorative gift for 2000 years since His ascension. The conference inspired participants to recognize their roles in God’s kingdom and called on everyone to understand God’s mission, seeking to expand His kingdom with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, the conference hopes to dedicate one million churches to Jesus by MM33, manifesting His glory.

小组祷告 Group prayer

Reflections from Ps Jimmy Lim (Eternal Life Assembly)

This conference mentioned the MM33 Covenant, representing God’s mandate and our mission to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. We unite in pursuing the vision of developing this global fellowship into one million churches.

Through these churches, the Pentecostal movement will spread God’s mission of salvation to humanity. Additionally, we will work with theological colleges to equip leaders for evangelism and church planting, ensuring the healthy growth and development of the churches.

Furthermore, the conference emphasized the importance of nurturing the next generation and empowering them with the ability to lead and restore the power of Pentecost. The main objective is to increase evangelism and church planting by 2033, reaching the unreached populations worldwide, and witnessing the moment of great revival.

林斌牧师带领赞美敬拜Worship led by Pastor Lim Ping

Reflections from Ps Marilyn Chew (Risen Christian Assembly)

I gained valuable insights from the two forums. In the first forum, I learned the importance of visionary leadership for senior pastors. They must embrace pioneering visions to lead their followers in achieving them.

Moreover, churches need practical systems for training and continuous improvement. In the second forum, the pastors’ sharing inspired me to reflect on how to help young people find their positions and visions and how to equip them. Often, we impose the church’s vision/strategy on them without fully listening to their hearts.

牧者午餐团契 Minister Lunch Fellowship

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