Movement of Discipleship Key 8: Foster a Culture of Discipleship
By Bro Silas Tan, Shekinah Assembly of God
How do we foster a culture of discipleship in our church community? Bro Silas Tan gives us the master plan.
The Great Commission commands us to make disciple. But who is a disciple? The original Greek word of the disciple in the context of Matthew 28:16 is (mathētēs). He is a dedicated student, a committed learner and simply a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Master.
A disciple is taught and instructed by the Master, it is a lifelong pursuit and a long, at times arduous life journey. It is no wonder that Christ ask us to bear His cross, because it can be burdensome, difficult and tough. There is a price to pay to be a disciple, but He promises us that His yoke will be easy, and His burden will be light (Matthew 11:28) and He has overcome the world (John 16:33). It is simply tough to be a disciple but is definitely doable.
Although personal discipleship is a commitment, but we need to develop a culture of discipleship where discipleship is readily embraced by our church community.
There are practices of a disciple that must do to be successful, these are some of them, these are what a disciple should be doing daily and regularly. The local church has a role to cultivate the culture of discipleship among the members of the Body of Christ. We need to encourage one another to do the following,
The local church has a role to cultivate the culture of discipleship among the members of the Body of Christ.
Meets Daily with the Master
A disciple meets with his Master daily, he is disciplined in setting up protected time to be alone with his Master, to glean and hear from Him. This is where his spiritual tank is filled. He knows he cannot do much without His presence, thus he abides in Christ for he knows he cannot do much without staying in Christ. (John 15:4)
Shekinah AG has been cultivating daily SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer) way reading the Bible. It encourages Shekinians to be disciplined in doing our devotion and we took turns to share our SOAP on Sunday service on what has been impressed in our hearts when doing our SOAP devotion.
Mirrors the Master
He mirrors his Master his life is one that choose intentionally to live and be like Him. He reflects his life according to the standard of what his Master will desire in every season and stage of his life. That is the yardstick on his every life decision, his thoughts and values in all setting and dealing with all people. His check and balance do not come from worldly advise alone, but he understand the need to trust in the Lord with all his hearts and do not lean on his own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct his path (Proverbs 3:5-6)
The cell groups, provides us the platform of discipleship to encourage one another to be accountable in our walk with God. It allows us to share our life challenges authentically to encourage one another in the Word.
The cell groups, provides us the platform of discipleship to encourage one another to be accountable in our walk with God
Mentored by the Master
He is mentored by His Master, he is always consulting with God about his decision, direction and vision. The Word of God guides him and is the foundational corner stone for all his decision. Technology, methods and process may evolve to keep up with times but the enduring principles of God from His words sets the right frame on how we deal with those changes.
The church intentionally pairs smaller groups of like-minded individuals to iron sharpen iron to be mentored by more matured Christians. Youth group likewise are being mentored by more mature church members. The investment of resources is great for the making of disciples and we must make every effort to invest in discipleship for our future generation.
The church intentionally pairs smaller groups of like-minded individuals to iron sharpen iron to be mentored by more matured Christians.
Makes Disciple for the Master
He makes other disciples by remembering and obeying the great commission of Matthew 28:16-20. The testimony of the disciple is one on his lifestyle that testify the goodness of God, not merely words but living the life of a disciple.
He is also asked to make disciples, (mathēteuō) the Greek word as to disciple others in Matt 28:19. All disciples are to make other disciple regardless of his church position or years of attending church. It is a mandate for all who calls himself a disciple and we have to find opportunities to share the salvation message to the unchurch that others may know Him.
There are more than 80% of Singaporeans that have not known Jesus as their personal Savior, not forgetting the few hundred thousand of foreign workers, talents and foreign students, working and studying here. Our mission field is closer then we think.
The church must not forget the mandate and need to constantly remind one another on the need to fulfill the great commission, in our church activities, sermons being preached on pulpit and
In conclusion, discipleship is a way of life dedicated to the Master, it is a cultivated lifestyle with all intention to follow Him. The church plays a great role in facilitating the journey of individual discipleship, by creating the environment and culture for discipleship.