Christian Living

Movement of Prayer: The Transformative Power of Prayer in Times of Evangelism

By Sis Reetha Vanimogan, Hosanna Assembly of God

How do we partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer for evangelism? Sis Reetha Vanimogan reveals the ways.

It was the year 1997, at the Osanri Prayer Mountain in South Korea. A man had climbed up the hill to pray in the morning. From afar, I could hear his heart-felt cry to God. He spoke in tongues for a great length of time while intermittently saying the words, “Chu yo! Chu yo! Chu yo!” (which means “Oh Lord!” in Korean). The eight-year-old me at the bottom of that hill, could not see his face nor locate him. But I could hear him. Though I knew not his language, God’s presence was tangible. The next morning, my father was surprised that I was so willing to attend the 6am chapel service. A stark difference from the girl he knew from the day before.

It was not about the loudness of the man’s voice that made an impact. It was the sincere and fervent prayer of a man who was in submission to God. Today, I thank the Lord that that experience laid the foundation for me to eventually see prayer as a dynamic powerhouse behind a Spirit-led Evangelism.

Death in the Eyes of a Christian

The mind veiled by evil, deception and rebellion has the difficulty of grasping the biblical concept of death. In death, there is life and fruitfulness when Jesus Christ is brought into the picture. I mean no offense to any researcher or scientist whose life’s aim may be to overrule the power of death. Jesus Christ was and is the only one who can conquer death and give eternal life to the one who embraces Him as Savior, Lord and Creator.

It was after the death of One, that the same mighty Holy Spirit that split the Red Sea in Exodus, filled the living vessels in Acts who were used to win the lost with signs, miracles and wonders.

It was in the death of One, that multitudes were given eternal life through the generations, then and now. It was through the death of One, that the massive church of Jesus Christ was born. It was after the death of One, that the same mighty Holy Spirit that split the Red Sea in Exodus, filled the living vessels in Acts who were used to win the lost with signs, miracles and wonders. Death is not a morbid topic for a believer. Death brings forth an explosion of life and fruitfulness for the believer living in the Lord.

Evangelism in the Eyes of a Spirit-led Christian

When a believer sets foot on the fields of evangelism, hearing the voice of God and honoring His leading are key. In Acts 8:26-27, Philip in partnership with the Holy Spirit, obeyed God’s voice and successfully reached out to a eunuch. In such a manner, a Spirit-led evangelism will make a believer an effective instrument used by God to reach the lost. In obedience, trust the work of the Holy Spirit in reaching out to an unbeliever. Even if you may never know the end result. Even when circumstances may look impossible. But in order for a Spirit-led evangelism to exist, there needs to be the death of the carnal mind. It is the sinful nature that muddles up our minds and prevents us from hearing God clearly. Our carnality, which includes the wants and desires of man, can be a hinderance in different ways in evangelism.

In Acts 8:26-27, Philip in partnership with the Holy Spirit, obeyed God’s voice and successfully reached out to a eunuch.

Carnality can be the tendency to think that our words or knowledge are capable of convincing and winning over a pre-believer to God. Yet, it is dependence on the Holy Spirit that leads us to speak or pray the words He wants, in order to win the fight in the supernatural realm or bring light to that soul.

Carnality is in rendering a soul as not being able to be saved, based on their background, social status or behavior. A Christian teenager was once told, “You never know, your school’s strict discipline master may be saved. She may attend church.” The teen gasped and said, “No! Never!” In the same way, have we ever not made a move in faith for the salvation of another because we could not envision their salvation with God?

Carnality can be in wanting to win souls to get name or fame instead of wanting a genuine win for God’s Kingdom. There are more areas of carnality that may be mentioned but a page is not be sufficient. Yet, it is in true prayer that carnality can be identified by God and brought to death by His power.

The death of the sinful nature in prayer, transforms the believer in becoming fruitful in winning souls for God.

Prayer in the Eyes of an Evangelizing Christian

A two-way communication with the Lord in prayer is a tool that an evangelizing believer should grab a hold of. Pull yourself away from distractions or the To-Do lists and place yourself at His footstool. In humility, give Him that space in your mind and heart to speak to you about your carnality. Here, you acknowledge His sovereignty. Here, you acknowledge that it is not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit. It is where the evangelizing Christian says to God, “You must increase, and I decrease.”

When a believer is willing to put to death his carnal sinful nature daily, God’s voice becomes clearer. The death of the sinful nature in prayer, transforms the believer in becoming fruitful in winning souls for God.

Here, John 12:24 comes to life:

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

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