
A New Perspective for 2024 (Part 2)

by Ps Maggie Kuek, Great Shepherd Assembly of God

In our final instalment, Ps Maggie Kuek gives us a new perspective for 2024 from the Word.

As we look ahead to the upcoming year, the looming presence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic prompts us to ponder: will 2024 be a year of triumph over adversity, or will it usher in more challenges? The central theme of this article is to encourage anticipation of the new season by adopting a perspective aligned with God’s divine vision rather than our own. To attain this divine perspective, delving into the sacred scriptures becomes paramount. With this profound realization, we can confidently step into the new season, embracing it with a sense of assurance and hope. Let us reflect on the following three pivotal steps that can illuminate our path forward: 

1. Trusting in the Infinite Wisdom of God

In Isaiah 55:8–9, we are reminded of the vast disparity between God’s thoughts and ours. Stepping into a new year necessitates a deep trust in God’s omniscience and divine plan for us. He holds the sophisticated blueprint of our lives, encompassing not only our present but also our past and future. His wisdom transcends our human understanding, inviting us to faithfully follow His divine plan for this new year. In Proverbs 3:5–6, we are instructed to “trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding.” 

2. Inviting the Fullness of God

God’s divine perspective inspires us to welcome His presence into every aspect of our being. The beauty of Psalm 16:11 eloquently portrays the richness of joy that emanates from God’s divine presence. As we enter this new season, let us cultivate an ardent longing to connect with God on a daily basis through the disciplines of prayer and the diligent study of His Word. Let us begin this new journey characterized by a deep, abiding relationship with God to align with His will and purpose. 

3. Standing on the Unwavering Promises of God

An old hymn reminds us that “God has not promised skies to always be blue, but He has promised strength for the day”. This timeless message underscores the profound truth that God’s ways transcend our human limitations. Trusting in God’s promises is an anchor that steadies our faith amidst life’s turbulence. His promises, outlined throughout the Bible, are a testament to His unfailing love and faithfulness. In Deuteronomy 7:9, “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.” His promises will provide us with the unwavering assurance that God is faithful to His word. By trusting in His promises and firmly believing in His good plans for us, we will anchor our souls, providing much-needed strength and hope as we venture forward.

As we eagerly anticipate what lies ahead, may we lean on His infinite wisdom and guidance, knowing that He is orchestrating our steps and preparing a year of blessings for us. In Jeremiah 29:11, we are reminded: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Therefore, let our hearts be receptive to the beauty of His plan unfolding, for in Him, we find the strength and courage to face the new year with joyful hope and unwavering faith.

Let us boldly approach this year with open hearts, ready to receive the goodness that God has in store for us!

Let us ponder:

In this new year, what are the areas you needed to trust God with? How are you inviting the fullness of God into your relationship with Him? How do you appropriate God’s promises in your life?

Ps Maggie Kuek is the Assistant Pastor of Great Shepherd Assembly of God. She graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a Master of Education, specializing in Special Education. She is currently an Associate Lecturer in one of the well-established Training Institute of Early Childhood Development in Singapore. She has more than 30 years of working experience in the early childhood industry. She has authored 19 children’s assessment books and designed the “Magnetic Teaching Aids”.  Ps Maggie is also the Founder of Our Learning Ark that conducts training for children, parents and preschool educators.

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