ACTS College Retreat 2022 – Empowered by the Spirit
By Euvin Aw, ACTS College
After a two-year hiatus, ACTS College Retreat has finally returned to a physical one, from July 13-15, 2022, at Changi Cove, with Dr Simon Chan as the speaker.
Solitude. This word impressed the planning committee’s heart as they prayed for God’s direction in this retreat. In the past two years, many may not have been able to have that, having to continuously adapt to the new COVID-19 measures that were constantly changing. At the same time, we all found ourselves having to attend zoom meeting after zoom meeting. Thus, it has become apparent that the need for solitude is very important as we tide through this time of transition.
Dr Simon started the first night session by encouraging us to cultivate the habit of solitude. It is more than just resting or being alone; it is a time to seek God and hear His voice. The aim is not just for one’s spiritual health but also to be better able to fight the Lord’s battles. He went on to highlight the importance of having both solitude and community, as well as the need to hold these two in tension.
What better way to get to know one another through games! We were divided into small groups, where we went around Changi Beach, not just to challenge the physical body, but also to share our thoughts, reflect on the day and pray together. An amazing grace indeed, I mean race – Amazing Race!
In the subsequent sessions, Dr Simon shared on ‘The Holy Spirit, Giver of Life’, where we were taught three progressive steps; to be controlled by the Spirit, to mortify our sinful nature and to be led by the Spirit. Finally, ending the last session with, ‘The Holy Spirit, Giver of Hope’, for without the Spirit-inspired hope, we live only for the present.
The retreat concluded with a sunrise service by the beach. A meaningful way to conclude the three days. We were introduced to the term ‘Ad orientem’ — A practice of the early church to face the east, awaiting the second coming of Christ. Even as we ended the retreat, each going back to our individual churches and ministries, we were reminded to practice what we had learned over the past three days, with our hearts “facing the east”, waiting for the return of Jesus.