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Asia Leaders’ Summit 2022

By Ps Andrew Lee, Risen Christian Assembly

Reaching Asians in this era – the harvest, the harvesters and the young.

About 130 pastors and leaders attended the Asia Leaders’ Summit held on 9 November 9, 2022, at Trinity@PayaLebar. The theme of the conference was on reaching Asians in the current social, economic and cultural landscape. 

Our speakers sharing the Word

The Harvest

Rev Dr Vincent Leoh, former Senior Pastor of Glad Tidings Church, PJ, kicked off the conference by speaking on ‘Key Shifts in Asian Missions’. It was a riveting message on how Asia is the next big harvest field of 4.73 billion souls. There are 389 million Christians in Asia now which is 15% of global Christian population and by 2050 it will be 17%. He shared three keys to see Asia turn to Christ: 1. To be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, 2. To be obedient to the vision, 3. To seize the opportunity. If we work with the Holy Spirit and have the right strategy, the gospel will be preached, and Asians will come to Christ.

The Young

Next, Dr Sung-Min Park from Campus Crusade for Christ Korea spoke on how to reach the young Koreans for Christ. He spoke on the 3-Rs: 1. Revelation – They read the signs of the times and strategized evangelism to the young accordingly. He spoke of how the Korean Church used K-pop, K-drama, K-movies and K-food as tools to preach the gospel. 2. Responsibility – They taught the young people how to evangelize and make disciples so they can win their own generation to Christ. 3. Reset – Because of the pandemic, they did overseas missions through using K Hangul and K-culture, a new way to do missions. They conducted Korean language classes using the Bible as the teaching material and conducted classes on how to make kimchi because these were popular culture.

Through K-culture, many from other countries were reached for Christ. They setup EDI (Education and Discipleship Institute) to develop new technologies to reach the world. They developed a new Metaverse platform called ‘C On’ and developed an evangelism tool called ‘Gateway’. He emphasized that we must read the signs of the times and develop technologies that will reach the young. 

Our leaders receiving an impartation of vision

The Harvesters

The following speaker was Dr Eu Hong Seng from Full Gospel Tabernacle Malaysia. He preached from Psalms 106:13-14: 1. Sins – He said the depth of acknowledgement of our sins is missing and we cannot be successful in evangelism if we do not confront our sins and repent. 2. Shifts – He spoke of 10 shifts caused by the pandemic that has sifted the church. It is similar to what the Egyptians faced in the 10 plagues. The shifts are a precursor of many more shifts to come. 3. Significance – He urged the churches to fear God, make disciples, focus on Bible literacy, be holy and for the fathers to rise up so that we are prepared for the end times. 

My Take-away

We went away with a sense of challenge to finish the task of evangelizing Asia. With many strategies and spiritual truths shared, we are encouraged to press on and trust God to see this continent reached for Christ. 

Hand in hand, we see the task of evangelizing Asia fulfilled

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