Biblical Teaching


One of the key elements in relating to your spiritual family is authenticity. Rev Dr Loh shows us more about this from the Word.

The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:25, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” He urged the Ephesians to be authentic in their relationship with one another in the community that God had called them to.

Mankind is created in the image of God. God is love and we have been created to be people of love. God is a triune God—three persons completely united as one; and we are, likewise, to be united with one another. God intended for humanity to be a community. Sadly, however, the fallen world is highly disunited and devoid of love. As a result, God has, through Jesus, broken the walls of hostility that separated us and brought about a new humanity, which is the Church. (Ephesians 2:14-15)

It is through the Church that God’s original intent for humanity would be fulfilled. Paul in the first three chapters of his epistle to the Ephesians fully explained this. Then, he exhorted the Ephesians in the next three chapters as to what they should do, and be, for the Church to be a true community. One of these is the need for authenticity.

Authenticity Builds Trust

When we are authentic to the people around us, trust is built between us and them. Trust is an essential quality of a community. Members must feel that they are safe and whatever they share will not be used against them. Unfortunately, people in the world do take advantage of others. We thereby bring along with us into the Kingdom of God what we have learned in the secular world. We protect ourselves by not disclosing the truth about ourselves. This is a principle, which is contrary to the mindset that we should embrace as members of God’s community. Much of our worldviews are in fact contrary to the Christian worldview. We need to change these worldviews if we are to be effective disciples of Christ.

We are Accepted for our True Selves

God created us to be social beings, hence, all of us have a need for acceptance. Many of us believe that we must perform well in order to be accepted. Sometimes, our parents give us the impression that we must behave well in order to gain their love. In schools, we have to perform if we are to progress to the next level. At work, we are expected to produce results in our jobs. At times, fearing that people may not accept us, we project an image that is beyond our true selves. Consequently, trust is lost when the truth of who we really are is discovered. If the majority of Christians behave in this way, the Church can never be a true community.

We need to know that we are accepted even before we can perform.

Our parents love and accept us right from the moment they hold us in their arms. God accepts us for who we are. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died for us whilst we were sinners. God did not wait for us to be good before He accepted us. Therefore, we need not try to be what we are not. As God’s children, let us walk in assurance of His love and acceptance, and be our true selves to one another in God’s community.

Do not Conform to the Pattern of this World

Many in the world think that they must be seen to be successful if they are to be accepted. So, they own big houses, posh cars and dress themselves up in the most fanciful wears. Others feel that money will bring them recognition and happiness. They work hard to accumulate as much wealth as they can.

The trouble is that there is no end to wants. The more they have the more they want and they are never contented. The apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:12–13, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

Paul acknowledged that he is contented in all situations, as Jesus has filled the void in his heart. He understood the love that God has for him. We too can live a simple life and be contented in all situations. Wrong thinking creates in us a need to impress others by being someone we are not.

Paul also exhorts us in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Our minds can only be renewed by replacing all our wrong thinking and beliefs with God’s Word.

Reflect upon our character and conduct when reading the Bible. Allow the Word to bring up the flaws in our lives. Most know for themselves when they are not being authentic. Fighting for acceptance is just one of the fundamental reasons for inauthenticity. There are others.

Sometimes, we may not realize our own flaws and may not even admit it when the Holy Spirit or others bring it to our attention. If we are to renew our minds and be transformed into Christlikeness, we need to stay humble. As we regularly evaluate ourselves and take positive steps to change, we can learn to always be authentic toward others and build a strong trust and unity within God’s community.

Rev Loh Hung Chey

Rev Dr Loh Hung Chey is the Founding Pastor of The Harvest Force. He was the Principal of the Assemblies of God (AG) Bible College until retiring from the post in 2012. He still teaches at the College but has availed himself to colleges throughout the world. Rev Dr Loh has served on the Executive Committee of the AG, Singapore and the boards of Asia Pacific Theological Association, Teen Challenge Singapore and the Singapore Centre for Evangelism and Missions. He is the author of ‘Transforming into Christlikeness’ and ‘Returning to God’s Original Intent’.

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