Ministry Life

Blessing the Marketplace with Spiritual Gifts

How do we blossom in our marketplaces and use our spiritual gifts to touch the communities around us? Ps Apelles Poh shares his insights.

We reach our highest potential when we allow God to use us—our talents and our spiritual gifts in the marketplace. Wherever God has planted us, we should be able to blossom in using our spiritual gifts. How can we do that?

1. Starts with a right theological mindset

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”

(Genesis 2:15)

Work is not a result of the Fall of Adam. It is not a curse. The undue stresses, exploitations and imbalance of work is. In fact, God ordained work for us. The Apostle Paul was a tentmaker and he said in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

There are no perfect workplaces (including working from home), churches and marriages. We all have to put in work and grow through it. It may get stressful at times, but some stresses (I like to use the word ‘stretch’, instead of ‘stress’) may be good for us. We grow when we are stretched. Just like a rubber band, when stretched enough, it will not go back to its original shape.

It would have grown a little. Yes, little by little. Remember, there are rarely any overnight successes, but many “sleepless nights successes”. My friend, who lost his job, said to me, “A stressful job is still better than no job.” Good point!

When you can see that the marketplace is where God has planted you and you can use your natural and spiritual gifts to contribute to its growth and to bless your colleagues and contacts, you will begin to see a higher purpose, a bigger picture of your calling in life.

As a Certified Financial Planner and a lay pastor in Shekinah, I see my clients as my local mission field. We had an Alpha launch in 2019, and I invited quite a number of my clients. So far, about 10 have accepted Christ and we have since formed a cell group. It is most gratifying to see God at work in our work. When that happens, work becomes worship.

2. Cultivate a positive attitude

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

(Colossians 3:23)

A son once told his mother, “Mom, I don’t want to go to school. I don’t like the teachers and the students!” The mother replied, “Son, you need to go to school. You are the Principal!”

Yes, there will be times and circumstances when work can be very challenging. However, we can always make things better by responding with a positive attitude rather than worsening things by reacting with a negative attitude. It is not what happens to us, but what happens in us that makes the difference.

As believers, we want to be the salt and light to the world. Having a good attitude will go a long way to make that happen. Your attitude determines, in a large part, your altitude.

Suppose you wanted to buy a pair of shoes, but the salesperson was unhelpful and rude. Would you still buy? Unlikely.

Since young, I have embraced a spirit of excellence and with lots of hard work and heart work, God has blessed me to be one of the top financial planners in Singapore. He has also enabled me to use my spiritual gifts of communication (preaching and teaching) to write two books and speak to marketplace audiences in many countries.

Remember, whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well!

3. Invite the Holy Spirit.

“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

(Proverbs 3:6)  

The Holy Spirit is called the ‘Parakletos’, or one who is called alongside us to help us, as our ‘Advocate’ and ‘Comforter’. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and He lives in us and wants to work in us and through us, especially in using our gifts in the marketplace. Therefore, make the Holy Spirit your partner in the marketplace.

In the early days of my career, I had a very challenging time managing a team.

Instead of a nervous breakdown, I broke down in tears before the Lord, and surrendered all the pains and negative emotions to Him. The Spirit came and I felt a release in my inner man. In the next few months, I experienced a breakthrough. Life and work will not always be smooth. Invite Him to lead and guide you in where He has planted you.

Joseph’s life is a powerful example of a successful marketplace minister. In the ups and downs of his life, he had always maintained a good attitude and more importantly, the Scriptures tell us again and again that “The Lord was with Joseph…” (Genesis 37:2, 39:21) And God granted Joseph favor in the eyes of his “employers”, and promoted him to become the Prime Minister of Egypt.

As I reflect on my career, God has also granted me favor in the eyes of my clients. About 10 years ago, my wife Linda and I started to sponsor 10 needy children in Cebu, Philippines. As I updated my clients on my ongoing mission trips, they started to sponsor and even went with me to visit the children. As of today, we are sponsoring 50 children and my clients and friends are sponsoring another 170 children. That is 220 children and their families impacted for Christ. Hallelujah!

We cannot give what we do not have. To make a difference in our marketplace, God has to first make a difference in our lives. Let His love and power flow through you. Have a consistent Quiet Time with Him. Become a channel of His blessings and use your spiritual gifts for His glory!

Ps Apelles Poh

Pastor Apelles Poh is the Author of the National Best-Selling book “Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often”. He is a practising Certified Financial Planner who also holds a Master degree in Financial Planning. He is a lay pastor with Shekinah AG and a successful marketplace minister. He is a sought-after speaker in financial literacy and has spoken regularly in churches and corporations, both locally and in the region. Visit his website for more information.

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