AG ChurchesHappenings

Centre of New Life Family Camp 2023

By Lau Wen Loong, Centre of New Life

The theme for this year’s camp was “Kingdom-bound Kampungs” where connection with God and one another were strengthened.

After five long years, the Centre of New Life Family Camp returned with an excellent attendance from church members and attendees. With the last one held prior to COVID-19, there was certainly a buzz in the air in the lead up to camp. This matched the theme of “Kingdom-bound Kampungs”, with the goal of facilitating conversations and developing a sense of connections amongst the various life groups.

Guest-speaker, Rev Phillip Deas, and his daughter

Ministry by Our Guest Speakers

Held across the causeway in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, over the course of four days (June 18-21, 2023) Centre of New Life Family Camp hosted Rev Phillip Deas from North Point Community Church and Ps David Lim from ACTS College. The former spoke for the English congregation while the latter preached for the Chinese congregation.

Guest-speaker for the Chinese congregation, Ps David Lim

The English congregation had the chance to hear Rev Phillip speak on the importance of having a vision for kingdom living. A clear vision results in a tangible mission and adopting the right mindset towards our choices and the things we do to build that sort of life. Having his daughter travel with him also gave a clear picture of how he puts all of that into practice in his own life too. That was also encouraging because it showed the fruits of a disciplined life and daring to live differently can contribute to community growth.

As we worship the Lord together

Bonding Time

Sessions aside, there were also fun games and activities put together by the camp committee comprising of younger adults in the church. Catering to all ages and both English and Chinese congregations, it was a fantastic way for the church to interact with others that they normally do not mix with. It was particularly heartwarming to see the elderly attend these games and engage in the activities with enthusiasm, proving that age is no barrier to in the kingdom and living with zest.

We look forward to next year’s Family Camp even as we learn to build a vision for Kingdom-bound Kampungs in our community.

Having fun bonding

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