ZFGC Easter Celebration Kick-off on Maundy Thursday
By Rev Jason Tan, Zion Full Gospel Church
Guest-speakers and our pastors, through their ministry, brought us deeper into the meaning Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
Zion Full Gospel Church (ZFGC) kicked off our Easter celebration on Thursday, April 6.
Thursday Bilingual Combined Evening Service
Members and friends gathered for a bilingual combined evening service led by Ps Joyce Kwek. Communion served as a reminder of Jesus’ time with his followers at the Last Supper and his journey to Calvary. Rev James Singh, the special guest speaker, shared a message entitled “The Rent Veil” from Matthew 27:51. He reminded the church of God’s supernatural display of the torn veil that separated God’s holy presence from man. Rev James invited members to host God’s presence daily and reminded everyone of the importance of investing in eternity. The evening ended with an extended prophetic ministry as Rev James spoke into the lives of many at ZFGC.
Hokkien Service
On Saturday, April 8, the Hokkien congregation gathered to celebrate Easter. Elder William Lim opened the service in a time of passionate worship. Ps Joyce brought the story of Easter with great simplicity but a profound revelation of Jesus’ suffering on the cross and his obedience.
Detonate – Youth Ministry
ZFGC Youth Ministry – Detonate, launched their Easter program with fun and games around the theme of healing. The Detonate Easter planning committee made great efforts to dress in clinical tops and added medical-type decorations. Rev Matthew Tan, the special guest speaker, shared many powerful healing stories and biblical accounts of the miracles of God. His sharing inspired the youth to trust God’s healing power and not rely on their limitations. Rev Matthew also invited two associates from the “Jesus Heal Me” ministries to form a panel discussion as part of his sharing. The dynamic discussion provided a deeper understanding of their experiences while praying for others – to focus on what if God healed rather than what if God did not heal.
Sunday Bilingual Combined Service
On Sunday morning, Rev Jason Tan started the bilingual combined service by calling everyone to meditate on God’s resurrection power. The worship team led in a victorious atmosphere of worship as ZFGC celebrates a resurrected Savior. Special guest artiste Bro Zhu Houren shared the testimony of his family’s salvation and how God led him to a ministry of visiting the seniors in the community. He pointed out the need to bear spiritual fruits irrespective of the seasons of our lives. He challenged the church, in accordance with Isaiah 52:7 – to be the beautiful feet of the messenger who brings good news. Bro Houren’s sharing inspired many on Resurrection Sunday as congregants found his sharing relatable and genuine. Rev Jason Tan ended the service with a call to salvation and rededication.
Although full of activities and programs, the three days of the Easter celebration at ZFGC were strongly centred on God’s sacrifice and love for his children through the local church. Many members invited their friends and loved ones to participate in the three-day celebrations. Visitors testified of God’s warmth and love through the body of Christ. Indeed, it is a heartening witness to God’s incredible grace and favor this Easter season. All glory to God alone.