AG ChurchesHappenings

Who Does He Think He Is?

By Eternal Life Assembly

We rejoice as many lives were saved, rededicated and touched by the Lord.

This was a question over 800 people were invited to encounter and grapple with in this provocative and immersive Good Friday drama. A 360-degree experience greeted the audiences with set designs that transported them back to AD 30-33 Jerusalem from the moment they entered the auditorium.

The audience waiting eagerly for the presentation to start

With a cast of 25 strong, a crew three times larger, Eternal Life Assembly (EL) came together across congregations and generations (with the youngest cast member, Gracia Aw, being six years old) to retell the story of Jesus and the events that led up to the cross. Fronted by industry professionals Dwayne Lau (Writer and Director) and Darren Guo (Assistant Director), the duo led a dedicated cast and crew team to put together a brilliant live performance in a mere two and a half months. Countless hours went into memorizing scripts, intense rehearsals and production. With the church’s coming together to pray, invite pre-believers and friends, as well as support the production in various ways, Who Does He Think He Is? became a reality.

Jesus welcomed the little ones

Who is Jesus? – a question for both Christians and pre-believers alike. A timely reminder for Christians to re-evaluate the truth of Jesus Christ in our lives; and a gripping invitation for pre-believers to know and receive the gospel into their hearts. The Good Friday message left many teary-eyed, as the visuals, sounds and powerful acting brought the audience right in the middle of the action of every scene.

Throughout the show, the visuals, sounds, music and dynamic acting brought the audience right in the middle of the action of every scene. The show climaxed with a powerful original song, Who is He?# by Rev Daphne June Lau, arranged by industry professional, August Lum.

The audience was eventually led to decide for themselves who Jesus is as our Senior Pastor, Rev Robert Lum presented an opportunity for pre-believers to make a decision about Jesus and receive the gospel into their hearts. Christians were invited to re-evaluate the truth of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Jesus showed us his love on the cross

We praise God for the 42 salvations, 84 rededications and the many other intangible seeds planted this Good Friday weekend. It is truly a joy to see sons and daughters encounter the Father’s love and receive Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Savior.

We pray that all who were involved and all who came would encounter Jesus daily as he continues to reveal who He is to them!

#Who Is He? By Rev Daphne June Lau is now available on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify and other major music platforms. You may also click here to listen to the song: Spotify – Who Is He? (As featured in “Who Does He Think He Is?”) – song by Daphne June Lau

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