First International Chinese Pentecostal Conference 2021
The power of the Church in the new normal. 新常态的教会能力
They All May Be One
By Esmond Low, Sembawang Assembly of God
I feel greatly blessed to worship and pray online with pastors and co-workers from different countries during this pandemic in the First International Chinese Pentecostal Conference.
I sensed there was a deep unity among God’s people, especially during the Prayer Networking held on the second day. There, I learned how brothers and sisters in Malaysia AG set up the Prayer Mission Group and the Unity Prayer Fire Wall to mobilize many to intercede. I saw God’s power in fulfilling Jesus’ prayer “They all may be one…”
The pandemic might have hindered church operations and physical interactions but not the leaders’ creativity, adaptability and learning capacity. The pandemic not only tests our faith, it also makes us realize nothing can replace Jesus in our lives. We understand more than ever how fragile humans are, and we really need to rely on God.
The Eschatology of Pentecostalism
By Khor Siew Khim, Dean of Students, ACTS College
This conference has brought many pastors and leaders together to learn, share, pray and discuss what our Heavenly Father wants to accomplish in this season. I attended the Pentecostal Theological Presentation held on the first day. The theme was “The Eschatology of Pentecostalism”.
My personal reflection is that under the new normal, the Church should live out the doctrine of Pentecostal Eschatology in order to distinguish herself and to fulfil God’s mission.
We should demonstrate…
Faith: We rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to preach and wait for Christ’s return and reign.
Hope: We hold fast to the blessed hope of salvation in the face of difficulties.
Love: We live out God’s love in our community and in this chaotic world.
第一届国际五旬宗牧者和领袖研习会 2021
使他们都合而为 一
卢金发, 三巴旺神召会
非常感恩我能通过参加“第一届国际五旬宗牧者研习会”这个节目和来自不同 国家的所有牧者与同工一起在这个疫情大流行时期在线上一起敬拜和祷告。
整个研习会让我深深感受到神子民在这期间的合一。尤其是在第二天下午的“ 线上祷告联谊”,得闻在马来西亚的弟兄姐妹不分门派成立了“祷告使命团”以 及“合一祷告火墙”让每个会友上线来一起同心会意祈祷与代祷。让我再一次 看到神的大能,如耶稣所说的:“使他们都合而为 一 ” 。疫情虽然影响了教会的运作和弟兄姊妹间的互动,然而我看见教会的同工和会友表现出令人敬佩的创作力、适应力和学习力。疫情不仅在考验我们对神的信心,而且还使耶稣在我们的生命中变得更难取代。经历所有这一切,我们比以往任何时候都更加了解人类是何等脆弱,提醒了我们真正需要依靠上帝。
许秀琴. ACTS学院学务主任
这次的大会,让许多教牧和领袖在线上学习、分享交流、同心祷告及讨论天父 在这个时代所要成就的事。我参加了第一天举行的五旬宗神学研习会,其主题为五旬宗的末世论。