
Foundation 3 – Instill Passionate Evangelism

By Ps Sabrina Chow, Risen Christian Assembly

Instilling passionate evangelism is key to church growth in a church planting effort. Ps Sabrina Chow shares six transformative points.

Since its inception in August 2018, our church plant, Risen Christian Assembly (RCA), has been unwavering in its mission. We exist with a clear purpose: to engage in evangelism and disciple-making. Our vision extends beyond the familiar walls of tradition; it reaches out to new pre-believers and unreached communities. When asked about RCA, I confidently responded that we are a Great Commission Church. Every endeavor, every ministry, is intentionally aligned with the mandate of Matthew 28:19-20—to go forth, make disciples, and release them to continue this transformative work. Our unwavering commitment to this mission shapes our every action, ensuring that we remain steadfast in our pursuit of souls and the multiplication of disciples.

Every endeavor, every ministry, is intentionally aligned with the mandate of Matthew 28:19-20—to go forth, make disciples, and release them to continue this transformative work.

How then, do we ignite passionate evangelism in everyone who comes to church? Here are six transformative points that I have gleaned from the past five years.

1. Leading by Example: It Begins with Me

As the Senior Pastor of our church, I recognize that the passion for evangelism must first begin with me. This sacred fire was kindled in the early 1990s when the Lord deeply touched my heart, revealing His boundless love for the lost—especially within our beloved nation, Singapore. God imprinted His heart upon mine, urging me to reach out to those souls who wander in darkness. I remember weeping for the
lost during times of prayer, knowing that this passion was not self-generated but a divine work of the Holy Spirit.

Indeed, the passion for evangelism begins with the senior pastor, setting an example that others eagerly follow.

To this day, that initial touch remains my unwavering motivation. It compels me to do all that I can to reach the lost for Christ. It is also the reason I entered full-time ministry—the call of “Souls! Souls! Souls!”
echoing in my spirit. This heartbeat of God has become my personal mission, and I pray that it resonates throughout our congregation. Indeed, the passion for evangelism begins with the senior pastor, setting an example that others eagerly follow.

2. Cultivating Evangelism: Passing the Torch

We intentionally cast the vision for winning souls as often as possible through sermons, prayer meetings, and leader gatherings. So that as our church community matures, the flame of evangelism grows. We celebrate and encourage every effort made to share Christ, whether within our cell groups or on our church-wide platforms.

3. Equipping for Impact: Train the People to Win Souls

Through intentional training, we empower each member to passionately engage in the ministry’s work. We conduct periodic classes that serve as a vital conduit for instilling passion and equipping our congregation to be effective soul-winners. In these sessions, we guide individuals to:

  • Target Their Audience: Understand the people they aim to reach.
  • Intercede for Lost Souls: Pray fervently for those who have yet to encounter Christ.
  • Befriend Pre-Believers: Learn practical ways to build genuine connections.
  • Present the Gospel Simply: Articulate the message of salvation.
  • Lead in Prayer for Salvation: Guide seekers to receive Christ.
  • Provide Foundational Bible Study Material: Nourish their spiritual growth.

We conduct periodic classes that serve as a vital conduit for instilling passion and equipping our congregation to be effective soul-winners.

4. Building Bridges: Creating Various Platforms and Tools for Risenites to Bring their Friends and Community

At Risen Christian Assembly, we intentionally create platforms and tools to facilitate connections with friends and the broader community. Our monthly Seeker Sensitive Service, equipped with topics suitable
for pre-believers, provides an ideal invitation opportunity. Risenites utilize short publicity videos and e-flyers to extend invites effortlessly. Another valuable platform is Alpha, which is conducted within our cell groups. We encourage ongoing activities that foster connections with pre-believing friends, leveraging major church events like Easter and Christmas for special presentations. Together, we bridge the gap, inviting others to experience the transformative love of Christ.

5. Unity in Purpose: Leveraging Gifts and Resources to Win Souls

Within our church family, a beautiful synergy unfolds as each member is released to contribute their unique gifts and resources towards winning the lost.

Last Christmas, our collective commitment came alive. Those gifted with melodious voices lent their talents to the choir, filling the sanctuary with worship. Meanwhile, a Risenite with a car made multiple rounds, ensuring that our community could join us for the service. The aroma of home-cooked meals enveloped our gathering, thanks to those skilled in the kitchen, creating an atmosphere of warmth and welcome for our first-time guests. Over shared meals, our leaders engaged in heartfelt conversations, gently leading pre-believers toward Christ. And when decisions were made, our diligent follow-up team reached out, ensuring that the harvest remained secure.

We recognize that together, we can accomplish far more towards our shared purpose.

when decisions were made, our diligent follow-up team reached out, ensuring that the harvest remained secure.

6. Pray, Fast, and Make a Personal Commitment to Invite and Evangelize

For our major evangelistic endeavors, we rally together to fast and pray, aligning our hearts with God’s heartbeat for lost souls. We individually commit to specific names—friends, family, colleagues—those whom we will boldly invite. We believe that when we pray and fast for actual names and boldly make the invitation, God will partner with us to see souls saved, for just as it is said in John 6:44, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.”

In reflection, these six transformative points have woven a tapestry of passionate evangelism within Risen Christian Assembly. As we embrace unity, training, and fervent prayer, we witness lives transformed, hearts ignited, and the Great Commission fulfilled.

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