
Foundation 5 – Prepare for Spiritual Warfare

By Ps Ace Cher, Antioch Christian Centre

Raise up watchmen and swordsmen! Spiritual warfare is a critical foundation in church planting. Ps Ace Cher teaches how we can be ready for it.

Are the churches battle ready? We are under spiritual attacks but are we engaging in this warfare? As lawlessness increases and Christ return draws near, the church of Jesus Christ can no longer remain status quo or business as usual. God’s churches are the spiritual outposts across the world, we need to man the battle stations!


In the book of Acts, churches were marked with certain DNAs, they were devoted to prayer, fellowship and the apostle’s teachings (Acts 2:42). The DNAs could be translated into military terms that describes two key strategic positions – the defensive and offensive.

First and foremost, appointing “WATCHMEN” (defensive position) on the watch tower is crucial. Ezekiel 33:7 “So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.”

There are three main tasks for watchmen: to Intercede, receive His Word and release His Word. The key words, “Watchman, sword and warning” are repeated four to eight times, clearly spelling out, what to keep watch for. Seeing God’s sovereignty at work is a critical part in warfare. Watchman needs spiritual vision and discernment to be effective in this task.

There are three main tasks for watchmen: to Intercede, receive His Word and release His Word.

“Praying unceasingly, always in the Spirit”, allows us to be in constant intensive labor with the Lord Jesus Himself. We become vessels of intercession with prayers directed by the Holy Spirit. The power of prayer changes the circumstances but more importantly, it will change us. With Christ in us, our hope of glory, we will have a higher consciousness of what God is doing within us. It will be more impactful and a greater task at hand when we bring the prayers and concerns of our fellowmen corporately to God in prayer! Therefore, planning prayer platforms in church must be intentional. By encouraging prayer sessions before the church service, we have seen an increase in attendance for PRAY UP segment from 2pm to 2.45pm before our 3pm service.

When we speak to God about the concerns or situations of men, be it about ourselves or interceding for others, He may reveal things regarding the situation and give us specific instructions. Four most common Spiritual revelations are – spiritual perception (an inner knowing), pictorial vision, panoramic visioning and dreams. Therefore, when watchmen are actively engaged, the spiritual atmosphere in our midst will shift.

There is going to be a spiritual awakening and quickening in His church! Our sanctuaries will be filled with prayers even before the service starts and when the people enter, they will be able to sense the shift in the atmosphere. Prayer will be a strong fragrance for the worshipers! Then wave of divine revelations will come during the altar ministry, God will speak through the pulpit but also through His ministers at the altar. With these revelations, we will be advantageous in our engagement in spiritual warfare!

Prayer will be a strong fragrance for the worshipers!


Next, we will also need to train and raise up “SWORDSMEN” (offensive position). Biblical illiteracy is a crisis in modern-day-Christianity. Not knowing the Word well means not knowing who the God of the Word as well.

Three key tasks of swordsmen: study, obey and teach His Word.

 “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2)

Three key tasks of swordsmen: study, obey and teach His Word. False teaching, inaccurate teaching and misquoting of Scripture are on the rise. Our shallow theology of who God is will limit our faith in Him. Our self-study of Scripture must become compulsory for our spiritual warfare demands it!

Discipleship and spiritual mentoring are effective vehicles and will help us train others in warfare. Both knowledge and experiences can be imparted in mentoring. A simple, yet comprehensive and duplicable system can drive the training of swordsmen.

Discipleship and spiritual mentoring are effective vehicles and will help us train others in warfare.

Five STEPS Approach

Simplified step by step, the five STEPS approach.

Step One, reading of context and background from commentaries, taking notes of the author, audience, atmosphere, agenda and additional references regarding historical, cultural settings and the differences in literary genres.

Step two, identifying key verses, phrases and words – from the key verses, observation of repeated, associated, contrasting and action words can point to the important intention and message of the text itself.

Step three, cross reference, finding supporting Scriptural verses.

Step four, selection of two to three key words to understand the original meaning.

Finally, Step five, draw practical applications that are measurable and quantifiable based on Step four. Iron sharpen iron, mentor to mentee, discipler to disciple and spiritual parenting, will experience spiritual growth and a greater depth into His Word.

We need INTERCESSORS – watchmen (defensive position) and TEACHERS – swordsmen (offensive position) to strengthen the faith of the saints and preaching the gospel to the lost!

In closing, every church leadership need to be decisive in streamlining ministry structure and activities, enhancing the training and development of watchmen and swordsman in preparation for end times spiritual warfare! We need INTERCESSORS – watchmen (defensive position) and TEACHERS – swordsmen (offensive position) to strengthen the faith of the saints and preaching the gospel to the lost! May the Holy Spirit stir up a holy and righteous move of God among us to raise watchmen and swordsmen!

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