
Foundation 7: Build a Strong Discipleship Program

By Rev John Lim, Itinerant Minister

A strong discipleship program is an important structure when you plant a church. Rev John Lim shares with us what we need to do.

As I reflect on the topic at hand “Build a Strong Discipleship Program”, I am reminded in the Great Commission how we are to “make disciples of all nations”[i]. These speaks of an intentional desire in discipleship for His people to devote their time and energy to proclaim, share and demonstrate the “new birth” under the leading of our Lord Jesus. This clearly shows us that a strong discipleship program is not an accumulation of knowledge about the Christ, nor amassing cognitive information about a Christ, but rather entering into relationship with our Christ; as “Discipleship is not a curriculum; it’s a relationship.[ii]

Based on this renewed ‘reminder’ of the purpose of discipleship, I would like to propose foundations that a “strong discipleship program” would need to possess.

1. A Biblical Foundation:

In the words of the early church father Polycarp of Smyrna, the first recorded martyr, discipleship is to “follow the footsteps of the Lord, for He Himself has shown the way. He who is humble in his conduct and merciful in his deeds will find favor with God.[iii]” There is no other way to follow, but through the ways that are written in the word of God. Only by feeding on His word, being eager to receive His word can a disciple grow in maturity in Him[iv]. It is needful that the discipleship program directs us to feeding on His word, to go through the highs and the lows of a discipleship lifestyle!

It is needful that the discipleship program directs us to feeding on His word, to go through the highs and the lows of a discipleship lifestyle!

2. A Prayerful Foundation:

A discipleship life allows us to earnestly seek to follow the Christ, and not to be “anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving” be able to present to God our needs, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.[v]” A disciple ship life which is focused on prayer allows us as disciples to live in His presence, as Bro Lawrence puts it, “The time of business does not differ with me from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the Blessed Sacrament.[vi]

A rising concern for a discipleship lifestyle today is the necessity of living out our Christian values despite growing challenges in our society. As I reflect on the commitment of believers in my previous mission field (in France), It fills me with thankfulness to see how individuals who are challenged daily in a culture of humanism, atheism and doubt could still persevere and live out their Christian values as a disciple of our Lord Jesus. It is our conviction that the Holy Spirit who is promised will still be present to accompany us through times of challenge and uncertainty[vii].

A disciple ship life which is focused on prayer allows us as disciples to live in His presence…

3. A Relational Foundation:

A discipleship program is founded on “relationship”. It does not stop at a cognitive admission of a certain religious ‘dogma’, nor is it only just a “course” to learn one common choice of expressions, one common accepted vocabulary. We understand this clearly in the same way that the gospel writers were able to pen their accounts as individuals, having individual styles, yet all being directed by the Holy Spirit in doing so!

As the late theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer explains, “Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. [viii]“ Founded on the rightful foundations of God’s word, accompanied by the empowered prayer life in the Holy Spirit, a strong discipleship program guides us to ‘externalize’ the ‘Christ-likeness’ which is ‘internally’ inhabiting us. Apostle Paul reminds us that we are to ” consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.[ix]” 

Founded on the rightful foundations of God’s word, accompanied by the empowered prayer life in the Holy Spirit, a strong discipleship program guides us to ‘externalize’ the ‘Christ-likeness’ which is ‘internally’ inhabiting us.

A strong discipleship program builds us with God’s word, guides us with God’s Spirit and brings us to build up one another in a relationship among disciples. As we desire to grow towards our Savior, we inevitably grow stronger with each other, to accomplish the discipleship process in each of us and among us, as “Discipleship isn’t just a part of the Christian life; it is the Christian life.[x]” That allows us to grow and strengthen one another, to see us being entrusted God’s words of love, to reach beyond the walls of the church!

A strong discipleship program builds us with God’s word, guides us with God’s Spirit and brings us to build up one another in a relationship among disciples.

[i] Matthew 28:19-20 (Bible)

[ii] Wayne Cordeiro,. *The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior.* Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2008, pg. 41.

[iii] Polycarp of Smyrna. “Letter to the Philippians.” In The Apostolic Fathers, edited and translated by Michael W. Holmes, 138-167. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2007.

[iv] 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Acts 17:11

[v] Philippians 4:6-7

[vi] Brother Lawrence. The Practice of the Presence of God. Edited by Hal Helms. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2008, pg.48.

[vii] John 14:26-27, Acts 1:8.

[viii] Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. *Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community.* New York, NY: HarperOne, 1996, pg. 21.

[ix] Hebrews 10:24-25

[x] Chan, Francis, and Mark Beuving. *Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples.* Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook, 2012, pg. 27.

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