Christian LivingGeneral Superintendent Message

Going to the Side of Revival

There are two sides of life.

Poverty or prosperity. Sickness or health. Disappointment or fulfilment. Barrenness or fruitfulness. Striving or thriving. Doubt or faith. Stagnant or progress. Destruction, exhaustion, impoverishment or REVIVAL!

God invites us to the right side of LIFE!

To the side of godly passion, purpose, and mission.

To the side where His Kingdom comes, His will be done.

To the side where the Church is strong, bold, and courageous in prayer and deed.

To the side where the supernatural power of God moves prevalently in our modern world.

To the side where cities and nations are transformed by the power and love of God.

Going to the other side is not a suggestion. It is a mandate, an instruction, a journey of growth, a matter of destiny. It’s about advancing the kingdom and making disciples of all nations. Revivals of the past tell us to get moving, to get off the side of stagnation, and get to the other side!

What will it take to get to the side of revival? Let’s glean a couple of truths from Mark 4:35-40, where Jesus told his disciples to “go over to the other side.”

It requires the willingness to follow God. Jesus had a good teaching session going with the crowds. But “when evening came” it was time to move. It was getting late. It was probably not the best time to set sail. It would have been logical to stay on shore and set off the next morning. Don’t let our human logic stand in the way of divine orchestration.

Is God calling you to fast and pray? Do you look at your calendar and see how many appointments you have and try to plan for a good time to start fasting and praying? Or will you decimate your schedule to make way for Jesus? There’s never a right time. But there’s a Kairos time – a time that requires a response, an action to move accordingly.

It requires leaving the crowd mentality behind. The crowds that followed Jesus and the disciples comprised of different people. Some were curious while others were just consumers, enjoying a good Word with no devotion, engagement, or transformation. Don’t settle for being part of the crowd.

Someone once said, “You can tell how popular a church is by who comes on Sunday morning. You can tell how popular the pastor is by who comes on Sunday night. But you can tell how popular Jesus is by who comes to the prayer meeting.”

The church isn’t a weekend club to belong to. Don’t be a consumer of services – enjoying the great worship and fellowship. Instead, be people of commitment. Be a disciple who loves God wholeheartedly and desires His heart to become yours. Serve the house of God with your time, talent and treasures. Be at church prayer meetings!

It requires us to see Jesus is with us. When the storms came, the disciples saw a sleeping Jesus and drew the conclusion that Jesus didn’t care. Fear obliterated their faith in God and nullified the teachings and miracles they witnessed Jesus do in chapters before.

Expect storms when we follow Jesus! We will have pushback when we go out to reap a harvest. We will have opposition as we repossess land occupied by the enemy. In Mark chapter 5, as soon as they got across, a demon-possessed man confronted Jesus.

Is the fear of storms and spiritual confrontations holding you back from going to the other side? Recognize that Jesus is with you! He’s not on the other side waiting for you to arrive. He’s in your boat. He rides the storms with you. He’s with you as you enter unchartered waters.

Finally, it requires us to recognize there are others with us. Mark 4:36, “There were also other boats with him” That day, all who were on the lake with them witnessed the storm stopping at voice command. Your faith that manifests miracles in the storm will be witnessed and experienced by others around you.

Regardless of where you are right now, be willing to follow God to the other side. Leave the crowd mentality behind, and abandon the pew warming post. Get on the boat. There’s no storm He can’t calm, no confrontation He can’t silence. May our journeys to the other side stir the greatest revival in our time, releasing mighty manifestations of God all across our world.
















教会不是周末俱乐部。我们不要做享受服务的顾客,享受美好的敬拜和团契,而是要做委身的人。让我们做全心爱主的门徒,渴慕拥有神的心跳。让我们付出时间、才能 和财物事奉神的殿。让我们参加祷告会!






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