General Superintendent MessageLeadership

Mentoring and Succession for Kingdom Continuity

By General Superintendent Rev Dominic Yeo

  1. Mentoring is a BIG word. How would you summarize it for our readers here?

    Mentoring is often seen as helping a person in becoming more Christ-like. However, mentoring is much larger than just character development. Mentoring involves the shaping and forming of the mentee’s mind, in both their strategic thinking skills and values, as well as their practical ministry skills like financial planning, team building, as well as forming and casting a vision for ministry.

    Discipleship is not just about Character Formation, but it is also about Ministerial Formation.

Mentoring is sharpening their God-given skillsets, allowing their redemptive gifts to shine forth.

  1. What is one principle you apply when you mentor younger ministers?

    Don’t kill the God-given shape that He has gifted them with. Our spiritual sons and daughters will be different from us. And because they are different, we want to mentor them, not program them.

    Just as how David couldn’t fight Goliath in Saul’s armor, they will win their battles with their God-given shape. Mentoring is sharpening their God-given skillsets, allowing their redemptive gifts to shine forth. Resist the need to conform them to who we are. Release them to their God-given destiny instead of locking them up in your preferred setup.

    Give them opportunities to grow. Bring them along for ministry. Allow them platforms to teach and preach. Be willing to share the stage with them. We have to step off the plate to give them space to practice.

If you want a lasting ministry that will continue to impact the generations, you need to have succession plans.

  1. Why is leadership succession so important for the growth of the church?

    Succession is the mentality of a lasting organization. If we love the Church, we must be ready for succession, and not allow circumstances or poor planning to jettison the responsibility of leading the church.

    Many senior pastors reach a point of seniority in life before realizing the need to hand over their church. Often because of failure to groom someone from within, they begin looking for someone from the outside to come in. Sometimes it can be quite a difficult process as the new pastor that comes in may not carry the same vision and DNA of the house. More time is required for mentoring and alignment. However, by the time they reach a certain seniority, time is no longer a luxury available.

    Succession is not just about the leadership of the church but has to do with every rank and fi le. If you are a head of communications or head of worship, the absence of your position will impact the church. Every position in the church needs a succession plan.

    If you want a lasting ministry that will continue to impact the generations, you need to have succession plans.

  2. We understand that in March 2023, you handed over your Lead Pastorship in Trinity. Why did you do so when you can continue?

    Every ministry has a trajectory and peak. There is a golden moment in ministry but it’s important to recognize the moment and not overstay the moment – even for lead pastorship.

    There is a bell curve of time, a pattern of life that God has ordained. As leaders, it’s important to be willing to leave at the height and peak of one’s ministry when you have strength and associations, and when you have sons and daughters in the house.

    With the increase in life expectancy today, some would say the best contributive age of a minister is when they are 60-70 years old. While all the wisdom they can offer is great, it’s also important to recognize that the next generation will require time to build and run the distance for the new season of God. When you hand over later, the next generation of lead pastorship is short-changed of that time to establish and see the accomplishment of the new season.

    Hence, it’s crucial to pass the baton at the right time so that the next runner can take the ministry further than you can.

  3. The Assemblies of God of Singapore celebrates our 95th Anniversary this year. As we look back, what is one thing that makes your heart glad?

    It brings me great joy when believers and ministers in the AG Singapore churches testify of our greater Togetherness, stronger Trainings, and evident Transformation.

    When I first became General Superintendent of AG Singapore in 2010, God revealed three T’s to me for AG Singapore. The first was ‘Togetherness’—to forge stronger bonds of unity among AG ministers and our churches. The second was ‘Training’—to develop our ministers to be sharp in their anointing and practice, so that we can equip men and women to be strong and mature disciples. The final T is ‘Transformation’—where there will be an increased transformation from within our churches that will effect greater transformation in our communities and the nations beyond.

    Going forward, I know God will continue to enable us to be His agents of transformation. MM33 is really moving us into a fresh trajectory for transformation. Transformation of our local churches; Transformation of our leadership; Transformation of our world as they are touched by God’s glory.

  4. As we look forward to our Centennial, in line with MM33, what do you hope to achieve for our denomination?

    It was just five years ago that we celebrated our 90th Anniversary. In the last five years, the charge to grow the Assemblies of God to ONE million churches worldwide by 2033 happened. Along with our greatest charge to expand the Kingdom of God, came one of our greatest challenges—COVID-19.

    Every commission of God will have its challenges. We are taking back territories, and we should expect opposition. My prayer is that AG Singapore will rise to a greater level of faith and courage to step into the commission of God and allow the entire arsenal of heaven to be upon us to build strong and healthy churches. Also, to plant more churches, so that there will be more centers where worship, the teaching of the Word and discipleship can take place!

  5. How can we pray for you?

    I definitely covet your prayers with a heavy overseas ministry schedule. Pray for wisdom as I head MM33 for the next 10 years. Pray for God’s protection upon my household. Pray for health as I am more engaged in global ministry to inspire the movements of MM33. Pray for effective time for family bonding; pray for God to bring the right people to stand shoulder to shoulder and carry the ministry, as well as the right associations that can add strength to the assemblies.

My prayer is that AG Singapore will rise to a greater level of faith and courage to step into the commission of God and allow the entire arsenal of heaven to be upon us to build strong and healthy churches.


  1. 督导是个大词。你可否为读者简明概括督导的意思?

    督导通常被视为帮助人变得更像基督。然而,督导不仅 仅是品格发展。督导涉及在策略性思维技能和价值观方 面塑造受辅者的思想,也在财务规划、团队建设、事工 异象形成和瞻异象方面塑造事工实际操作的技巧。


  2. 督导年轻传道人时,您使用的其中一个原则是什么?




  3. 为什么领导层的交棒对于教会的成长如此重要?




    如果你想要一个持久的,能够继续影响几代人的事工, 你就需要制定接棒计划。

  4. 我们知道您于2023年3月进行了主领牧师的交棒。在您还能继续任职的情形下,您为什么要这样做?





  5. 新加坡神召会今年欢庆95周年。回首过往,哪一件事情令你欣喜?


    在2010年,当我第一次成为新加坡神召会的总督时,神为新加坡神召会向我启示3T。第一个T是“团结” (Togetherness):在神召会神职人员和教会之间建立更牢固的团结纽带。第二个T是“培 ”(Training):培养我们的神职人员在恩膏和实践上变得敏锐,这样我们就能装备信徒成为稳健和成熟的门徒。最后一个T是“转化”(Transformation):众教会内有更多的转化,这将给我们的社区和列国带来更大的转化。


  6. 我们期盼神召会百年庆典的同时,根据MM33,您希望我们的宗派实现什么目标?



  7. 我们能怎么为你祷告?

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