General Superintendent MessageLeadership

MM33 Advances into Adoption Phase

By General Superintendent Rev Dominic Yeo

The definition of ADOPTION is the act of accepting, embracing, or starting to use something, as an idea, behavior, characteristic, or principle. Adoption is owning it. The official signing of signatures on the MM33 covenant is our prophetic declaration to embrace and commit our national councils and churches to engage in the greatest work of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting the world has ever seen.

That prophetic act of signing the MM33 covenant signified marching together in unity to see the mighty moves of God in our world.

At the 2023 October WAGC held in Madrid, MM33 shifted gears and advanced into the Adoption Phase with the signing of the MM33 covenant that bore the signatures of General Superintendents from almost 70 countries. That prophetic act of signing the MM33 covenant signified marching together in unity to see the mighty moves of God in our world.

What are the seven movements of God to look forward to as we adopt MM33?

Healthy Churches. Without healthy churches, we won’t be able to plant healthy sustainable churches. A church strong in seeing conversions, water baptisms, serving, nurturing, discipleship programs, and so much more! As such, I see many churches taking steps to evaluate where they are so that they can seal the cracks and become a stronger vessel for the Kingdom.

Discipleship. There will be an increase in discipleship when we want healthy churches. It’s hand in glove. Discipleship is also crucial in enabling believers to grow in their spiritual hunger and desire. To help them grow in their word life, thought life, and become more like Christ. To become a people transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit to be a testimony and impact for God wherever they are.

Prayer. There will be increased calls for prayer if we are going to see multitudes come to encounter God and churches to be planted! There’s a famous quote “Without God, we cannot. Without us, He will not.” Prayer is the seedbed of every move of God. Prayer will put God’s heart and God’s agenda in ours. I’m so encouraged by the MM33 directors in the Latin American region who meet every two weeks for prayer over Zoom. Prayer is the simplest yet most powerful tool we have to engage in this kingdom initiative – will you arise to wield this weapon?

There will be generations that will continually need to be reached.

Evangelism. I cannot imagine the world being reached with the church remaining indoors. Jesus intentionally detoured so that He could meet with the woman at the well in John 4. I’m excited to see the church at work in evangelism. Not just a few super evangelists, but every disciple of God, wherever they are, taking every opportunity to be God’s love wrapped in skin. Imagine the Gospel being shared at the bus stops, in hospital waiting rooms, in the office pantry, etc. The Global mortality counter records for us that every second 1.87 persons pass away into eternity. We are in a race to lead as many as we can to spend eternity in heaven.

Next Generation. The churches that are planted today are for tomorrow’s harvest! MM33 does not and cannot end with the completion of one million churches. There will be generations that will continually need to be reached. So we constantly need to raise and release the next generation to serve their generation. Everything we establish now is for the next generation. If there is no continuity to all that we are building now, it would be a death sentence for the church.

Signs and Wonders. When a revival happens, there will be heightened spiritual awareness and atmosphere that is accompanied by signs, wonders, and miracles. Even right now, we are seeing people being healed miraculously in our churches. How exciting it will be to return to the days of the Bible when the sick are brought to the house of the Lord to be prayed for and healed! Beyond physical healings, I believe divine breakthroughs and interventions can happen in business contracts! Our God is not limited by the surrounding impending circumstances.

Church Planting. With more churches planted, there can be more centers where worship, teaching of the Word, and discipleship can take place. Since the time of Genesis 1, God has blessed us to be fruitful, increase in number, and subdue it! And if we are to look at Revelation 7:9, concludes with “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” God is consistent from Genesis to Revelation. Fruitfulness and multiplication are God’s original intent for us. Multiplying churches is about seeing every corner of the earth filled with a lighthouse of God.

We are living in exciting days! The task may seem mammoth, but I call us to operate not in our natural lenses but in the supernatural realm. To partner with God and see the greatest revival in our time.



在2023年10月于马德里举行的世界神召会议会上,MM33换挡并进入采纳阶段,签署了MM33盟约。该盟约有来自近 70个国家的总督的签名。签署MM33盟约的先知性行动意味着团结一致地前进,见证神在世界上的大能运行。






下一代。今天的教会植堂是为了明天的收成!MM33不会也不可能随着一百万所教会的目标达成而结束。我们必须不断把福音传给一代又一代的人。 因此,我们需要不断培养和释放下一代来服事他们的一代。我们现在所建立的一切都是为了下一代。如果我们现在正在建造的一切没有连续性,那么这对教会来说将是死刑。




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