
Our Miraculous God Healed Me

God hears the prayers of His saints as the church interceded for my healing.
By Janey Chan, Bethel Assembly of God


God has brought me through a recent major operation to remove my right kidney. It is because of the prayers and intercession of the church that I could courageously face the ordeal with God. I could sense God’s tangible presence over me as I went through that period of uncertainties.


On December 1, 2020 morning, I received a text on Psalm 23:4,

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

I did not fully understand why the text came but what assured me was that God is with His people even in unpleasant situations. But little did I know that God was preparing me for what was to come. That afternoon, I started feeling unwell and, in the evening, I urinated blood and felt shaky internally. I realized

it was a serious matter and went to see a GP. Initially, the GP diagnosed it as Urinary Tract Infection, but I felt it was more than that, so I kept telling the doctor of the other symptoms I experienced.

The Diagnosis

Thank God for the wisdom to regard my symptoms as an urgent matter. I checked myself into a private hospital where I was given immediate medical attention and warded immediately to diagnose my situation. A kidney specialist, Dr Png, was called in to access my case. He confirmed that I had a huge tumor of 15 cm on my right kidney after two CT scans. However, as treating a huge tumor is not his forte, he recommended me to see Dr Li, who is the Head of Renal Transplant Department with the Ministry of Health.

God’s Intervention

God intervened by arranging for me to have an early surgery on December 14. Thank God the third stage malignant cancer was localised, and all the cancerous tissues were taken out of my body. That was possible because the church interceded. It was because of their prayers and intercession that I had a successful surgery even though I needed to transfuse four packets of blood.

My Recovery

While recovering at the hospital, a nurse told me that my recovery was speedy as within five days, I went from lying in bed to sitting on the sofa a full day to slowly walking around. Not only that, I looked alert. God also protected me from post surgery complications and any infection at the surgical area  with a 30 cm wound!

God’s Full Healing

Thank God for His healing hands upon me! I also noticed that my hair fall had reduced, water retention gone, and my knee problem was cured after the removal of my right kidney. When my tumor was removed, the ‘by-products’ caused by the problematic kidney were also removed.

Thank God for His provision as my medical bills from the two hospitals were fully covered by insurance.

Recent PET scan in March also showed no trace of cancer in my body. No words can fully express my thanksgiving. My scar represents that my God is with me, and my powerful testimony, of His greatness and goodness. To God be the glory.



2020年12月1日,在工作之前,我阅读诗篇23:4,我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。我确信,在不愉快的情况下,上帝与我同在,但我不知道上帝正在为我所要发生的事做准备。那天晚上, 我尿血然后去看了全科医生,他提出了两个选择; 去急诊室或者第二天去看他做进一步检查。感谢上帝赐予智慧和因我有保险,我住进了一家私人医院,在那里我立即得到肾脏专家了诊断,在24小时内,证实我的右肾上有一个15cm的巨大肿瘤。由于处理巨大肿瘤不是他的强项,他推荐和联系上最好的肾脏专家,卫生部肾移植科主任李医生。

原本手术室已经订满了,上帝帮我开路让我拿到最快的手术日期 。感谢上帝,第三阶段的恶性肿瘤是局部的,所有的癌组织都从我的身体取出。尽管失血过 多,还需要输四包血,我的手术还是成功了。不到五天,我就能自己坐起来,慢慢地走动了。一名护士说,有类似情况的病人没有经历这么快的恢复也很精 神! 的确,上帝在我的生命中一次又一次地创造了神迹。上帝也保护我不受术后并发症和任何感染。肾切除后,我的脱发减少了,水肿消失了,我的膝盖问题 治愈了。感谢上帝的供应,我的医疗费用完全由保险支付。


To access to my full testimony, you may wish to scan this QR Code or type this link: https://tinyurl.com/5mf65hcr


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