Christian Living

Prayer and Missions 1: The Importance of Prayer for Missions and its Effects

By Ev Phil Ming, Evangelist

How powerful are our prayers in the mission fields? What can our prayers do for the unsaved and missionaries? Ev Phil Ming explores these in this article. 

Prayer is an integral part of our Christian life. Whether we approach the throne of God our Heavenly Father to worship and adore Him, or to present our petitions before Him, prayer or communion with God is important and necessary. “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of,” wrote Alfred Lord Tennyson almost 200 years ago. This profound statement still rings true today. “God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

Prayers for the Souls

In prayer we touch the throne of God; through prayer we can touch the world, and nothing is more important for us to bring before God’s throne than what is closest to God’s heart – missions and the salvation of souls.

Spiritual breakthroughs frequently happen to individuals and even to whole communities as we pray for them.

All believers have been commissioned to preach the Gospel, to tell others about God and His love. But before we talk to people about God, we need to talk to God about people who need God. The unsaved needs our prayers. Spiritual breakthroughs frequently happen to individuals and even to whole communities as we pray for them. When we faithfully intercede for the lost, we can expect:

• hearts to be softened, resulting in openness to the Gospel;
• people to be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, leading to repentance;
• people to be delivered from spiritual deception;
• strongholds to crumble, with captives being set free.

Prayers for the Missionaries

Besides praying for the unsaved, we need to earnestly intercede for those who bring the Gospel to the lost. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,” proclaimed Isaiah. However, the beautiful feet of those who bring good news often bring the Gospel bearer into uncharted waters and perilous territories where opposition to the Gospel and demonic activities are most pronounced.

It is hard to think of any missionary who suffered more on the mission field than the Apostle Paul. In 2 Corinthians 11:23-27 Paul lists the sufferings he endured as a missionary – floggings, beatings, stoning, imprisonments, shipwrecks, hunger, thirst, sleeplessness, dangers on land and in the open seas. The world has changed much since the days of Paul, but missionaries today still face equally grueling opposition and daunting situations. Our prayer for their protection, provision and empowerment will shield them from the assaults of the enemy. As we intercede for them, God will answer powerfully and we can look forward with faith and expectancy to:

• more workers being thrust into the mission field;
• the weakening of cultural and religious opposition to the Gospel;
• the nullifying of enemy plans and assignments against God’s servants;
• God’s power being manifested through signs and wonders in the mission fields;
• the facilitation of the task of world evangelization.

The enemy will keep trying to derail God’s plan for world evangelization. Our response to this should be prayer and more prayer; for it is in prayer that we align ourselves to God’s power and purpose. This is the way God’s Kingdom advances – on its knees.

Evangelist Philip Ming is an ordained Minister of the Assemblies of God of Singapore. Evangelist Philip has a heart for souls and a passion for evangelism and revivals. He has a strong deliverance ministry as well. Philip has ministered in many countries especially in Asia, as well as in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and USA. He holds a Master’s Degree of Pastoral Leadership from Asia Theological Centre for Evangelism and Missions and was a Pastor in his earlier years of ministry.

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