Ministry Life

Raising Children Evangelists in Your Church

By Ps Maggie Kuek, Great Shepherd Assembly of God

Children are leaders of the next generation. How can parents, the church leaders and the community raise up children evangelists to reach their generation? Ps Maggie Kuek shares these three areas.

Nurturing young evangelists from an early age, both within the home and the church, stands as a cornerstone in constructing a resilient and dynamic Christian community. The Bible places great emphasis on the passing down of faith from one generation to the next, a principle vividly exemplified in Deuteronomy 6:6-7. Encouraging the development of child evangelists aligns seamlessly with this biblical directive, ensuring the continuous and purposeful transmission of the Christian faith. Throughout the Bible, numerous accounts spotlight children and young individuals who effectively carried forth the message of faith and actively engaged in evangelism. Consider Samuel, a significant figure in the Old Testament. From his formative years, he received spiritual training from his mother and, at a tender age, commenced his mentorship under Prophet Eli, as he served in the house of God. Remarkably, the Lord communicated with Samuel, imparting critical insights on matters concerning the nation.

We explore how the collaborative efforts of families, the church, and the broader Christian community can create an environment where children can cultivate a fervent desire to serve God.

In this article, we delve into the pivotal roles played by parents and church leaders in nurturing the development of young evangelists. We explore how the collaborative efforts of families, the church, and the broader Christian community can create an environment where children can cultivate a fervent desire to serve God.

1. Nurturing Young Evangelists from Home

Parents play a foundational role in shaping the spiritual journey of their children. They are not just primary role models but also crucial educators, responsible for instilling early spiritual formation. The initial step in nurturing young evangelists is to embody Christ-like behaviors in our own lives. Our actions and attitudes should consistently mirror the teachings of Jesus. Children are adept learners through example, and when they witness their parents living out their faith, they are naturally inspired to emulate it.

Parents assume a critical role in providing their children with a sound foundation in the Bible and ensuring they actively participate in Sunday school.

Parents assume a critical role in providing their children with a sound foundation in the Bible and ensuring they actively participate in Sunday school. This dynamic lays the cornerstone for an enduring and profound connection between their children and the church. As a result, it becomes imperative for a vital partnership to develop between parents and church leaders, serving as an essential mechanism for nurturing young evangelists and advancing the greater purpose of the Kingdom of God.

2. Nurturing Young Evangelists in Sunday School

Sunday School serves as a sacred haven where children embark on their journey of faith. It plays a pivotal role in the spiritual development of young individuals within the church. It serves as a portal to the Bible, offering children an immersive experience with the scriptures. Instead of mere memorization, its goal is to nurture a genuine understanding of Christian values, beliefs, and ethics, creating a nurturing environment where the seeds of evangelism are sown and cultivated in young hearts.

Sunday School serves as a sacred haven where children embark on their journey of faith.

In the Sunday school setting, children are encouraged to worship the Lord through heartfelt singing of worship songs. Teachers, who serve as spiritual guides and mentors, present the Word in a manner tailored to resonate with young minds, ensuring that the teachings are not only relatable but also easily comprehensible. This sharing is further reinforced through engaging discussions and practical applications, enabling children to not just grasp the significance of the lessons but also learn how to integrate them into their lives. Moreover, Bible lessons are designed to be interconnected, forming a cohesive narrative. Teachers could facilitate a recall of what children have learned from previous lessons before introducing new material. By inviting children to share how they have applied what they’ve learned, teachers can assess their understanding, fostering a more engaging and interactive experience.

3. Nurturing Young Evangelists to Impact the Community

In addition to the home and church, community impact is vital in shaping young evangelists. Practical outreach opportunities are key, allowing young evangelists to engage in hands-on involvements like missions, service projects, and outreach events. These experiences enable them to share the gospel and demonstrate Christ-like love through tangible actions, effectively planting seeds of faith in the hearts of those they serve. Building authentic relationships with the community is paramount. Young evangelists should be taught the art of active listening, empathy, and the demonstration of care and compassion towards others, thus creating a foundation for meaningful conversations about faith.

Young evangelists should be taught the art of active listening, empathy, and the demonstration of care and compassion towards others, thus creating a foundation for meaningful conversations about faith.

Encouraging a servant-hearted attitude by highlighting the significance of serving the community is vital. Helping young evangelists understand that acts of service and kindness are powerful ways to demonstrate God’s love and open doors for sharing the gospel. Young evangelists are also encouraged to pray for the community, seeking God’s guidance, wisdom, and empowerment to impact lives through evangelism. Providing safe and nurturing environments is essential, allowing these budding evangelists to practice sharing their faith, honing their skills and nurturing their passion for sharing the message of Christ.


The process of nurturing young evangelists both at home and within the church embodies a holistic approach that emphasises early spiritual formation, active engagement with the Word of God, and purposeful community outreach. Parents and church leaders play indispensable roles in guiding and empowering our young evangelists, ensuring a strong foundation, and fostering a passion for sharing the gospel and serving in the kingdom of God. The potential of a young child to embrace the evangelistic calling should never be underestimated. By fulfilling this calling, we honor biblical mandates and equip the next generation to carry the message of God’s love and salvation to those who are lost.

May we continue to invest in the spiritual growth of our young ones, nurturing them to become strong and passionate evangelists for the Kingdom of God.

In closing, let us remember the words of Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” May we continue to invest in the spiritual growth of our young ones, nurturing them to become strong and passionate evangelists for the Kingdom of God. And may the ongoing collaboration among our families, churches, and the wider community, continue to yield plentiful blessings, all to the glory of God!

Ps Maggie Kuek is the Assistant Pastor of Great Shepherd Assembly of God. She graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a Master of Education, specializing in Special Education. She is currently an Associate Lecturer in one of the well-established Training Institute of Early Childhood Development in Singapore. She has more than 30 years of working experience in the early childhood industry. She has authored 19 children’s assessment books and designed the “Magnetic Teaching Aids”.  Ps Maggie is also the Founder of Our Learning Ark that conducts training for children, parents and preschool educators.

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