AG CommunityHappenings

Redefining the Shape of the Christian: Mandate of Christ – Post Pandemic New Normal

By Ps Carmelo Dolendo, Trinity Christian Centre

On October 6, 2022, the Ministers Training and Togetherness in Prayer (2TiP) continued the second and final part of the program on the Mandate of Christ – Post Pandemic New Normal.

We are privileged to have Rev Dr Philip Huan, co-founder of Church Life Resources to be our guest speaker once again. It was a faith building and thought-provoking session as the ministers received a fresh impartation and download from the Holy Spirit through Dr Philip.

Rev Dr Philip Huan teaching and sharing

Dr Philip shared a summary of the survey results on Redefining the Perspective of Context that was done during the first session in August.

Based on the survey, the top three issues that the ministers felt needed to be addressed are:

  1. Ministry to the Younger People – this includes the millennials, Gen Z who were born into an online and immersive culture.
  2. Ministry to the Aging Members – the need to bridge the widening gap of generations that think differently.
  3. Post-modern world that is less receptive towards religion, where people are more atheistic or universal that result to declining church attendance.

Dr Philip presented some valuable comments and ideas to address each issue as the church pushes forward to fulfill the mandate of Christ in the post pandemic new normal. The ministers were challenged to spend time to pray for these issues, to arise in discernment, and to step out of the four walls of the church and engage the issue as an outreach.

Listening intently to the teaching

Rev Tan Hock Cheng led the ministers to a time of prayer, asking God for the ministers to rise up in priestly anointing to intercede, and to rise up in prophetic anointing to proclaim the gospel.

Dr Philip went on to discuss the topic on Redefining the Shape of the Christian asking the question: if there is a difference on what a Christian need to be an overcomer before and after the pandemic.

Discussion on the topic taught

The ministers shared their views through the WhatsApp group chat and it was interesting to note the varied answers shared where majority said that there is no difference on what a Christian needs to be an overcomer before and after the pandemic.  

Looking into Acts 11:25-26, Dr Philip defined Christians as:

  • A people dedicated to understanding and living out God’s word despite being derided for it.
  • A people who perseveres in a witnessing lifestyle despite difficulties when empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Dr Philip highlighted the similarities between the pandemic and the persecution in Acts 8:1, 4. Both the pandemic and persecution brought isolation, prohibition to gather and change of jobs for the believers.

In reference to Acts 11:25-26, Dr Philip focused the discussion on what it will take for a believer to be a vibrant witness even amidst of persecution/pandemic: What is one trait that the believer needs to be this overcoming Christian?

The ministers brainstormed and identified this one trait needed that is aligned to Biblical values and supported by scriptures. The ministers shared specific action steps on how the church will adjust its ministry architecture or program to develop the new trait as we redefine the shape of the Christian in a post pandemic new normal. It was a meaningful and empowering session as the ministers received valuable take aways that equipped them with the needed knowledge and resources to better lead the church in fulfilling the mandate of Christ in a post pandemic new normal.

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