Christian LivingFamilyGeneral Superintendent Message

Restoring Faith in the House

By Rev Dominic Yeo

I welcomed my first grandchild into my family just before the turn of the year. What a joy she is! Since then, I’ve been shopping for her, showering her with pretty little outfits. When I was visiting her in Australia, I cradled her in my arms from feed to feed. She was mine. Many titles are earned, but the title “Grandpa” is one that can only be given to you by grandchildren. What a privilege!

Beyond the physical gifts and smooches, I had the joy of dedicating her to the Lord at her Baby Dedication service. I didn’t do it as a pastor. I did it as a GRAND. God has given us a sphere of spiritual authority in our families. Whether you are Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister, youngest or oldest in your household, the greatest gift we can give to our family is the Gift of Faith.

Some of our families have misplaced faith – especially since weathering the pandemic over the last two years. Being unable to physically meet with the community of faith regularly or even be in church together as a household has sidelined your walk with the Lord.

Some of you may be the only believer in your family, circumstances have become more chaotic, and you are struggling to believe the promise in Acts 16:31 “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.

Whether you’ve been discouraged, disappointed, distracted, or disillusioned – there is no displaced faith too far for the Lord to restore. God wants to restore faith in you to believe in His redemption plan for your household.

How can we restore faith in our households?

It begins with YOU. Just like how I dedicated my children and now my grandchild. We all have spiritual spheres of influence in our families. And our words and actions can either cause faith in our homes to be displaced even further, or be restored back into our homes.

Declare Boldly. 2 Corinthians 9:6 reminds us: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” What are you sowing into your family? Kindness? Forgiveness? Or hostility?

As we ride out of the pandemic toward being endemic as a nation, and churches reopen, be God’s restorer of faith in your household and speak boldly.

Encourage siblings who’ve stopped attending church to return to the house of the Lord. Break fear in your elderly parents to have faith and bring them back to the community of faith.

Parents, model and teach your children to put God first. You may have signed them up for a multitude of enrichment courses, but will you be just as eager to sign them up for church camps and conferences? Will you set aside the Sabbath for them to worship and encounter God? Beyond wise financial investments, sow generously into spiritual investments!

Pray Relentlessly. When was the last time you prayed and fasted for your family? There is power in prayer. Conversely, there is none when we don’t pray. You can talk about the power of prayer all day, but if you don’t get down on your knees to pray, nothing will change.

If you want to see a restoration of faith in your house – you have to pray, fervently, unceasingly and relentlessly. God is not hard of hearing. But it’s the expression of our dependency and an affirmation of our trust in Him. When we give up praying, we allow the waves and storms of the circumstances to swallow us. But when we press on in prayer, holding on to God until our breakthrough comes, that’s when we see the manifestation of faith released into our circumstances.

Faith is often challenged in a crisis. Don’t give up! Pray until the breakthrough comes. Pray until the restoration is complete.

What you do today counts for eternity. The only time we have to spend is the time that is yet to come. We can’t change the past. We can’t change who our parents are. We can’t change who we were before. We can’t change the way we have raised our children. But God can restore – making it better than before.

Choose today to make a difference and be the change today that will impact your life, future, and destiny, plus the lives of those around you – especially your family.





你也许是家里唯一的信徒。情况的愈加混乱,也导致你挣扎着相信使徒行传 16:31 中的应许:“当信主耶稣,你和你一家都必得救。”




大胆地宣告。 哥林多后书9:6 提醒我们 “少种的少收,多种的多收”。你在家庭里播什么种?仁慈? 饶恕?还是敌意?




恒切地祈祷。 你上一次为家人禁食祷告是什么时候?祷告是有能力的,不祷告就没有能力。你可以日夜把祷告的能力挂在嘴边,但如果你不跪下来祷告,什么都不会改变。





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