AG ChurchesHappenings

Risen Christian Assembly Launch of Chinese Service

By Ps Marilyn Chew, Risen Christian Assembly

A significant milestone as our new Chinese Service was launched.

On September 4, 2022, Risen Christian Assembly celebrated the birth of her Chinese Service. We thank God for the full support from the English congregation to release their resources to start the Chinese service.

There is joy in the House of the Lord

About a year ago, our Senior Pastor Sabrina Chow, received a vision to start the Chinese Service. During that time, we were comfortably having concurrent Chinese interpretation in the English service, however, she felt the Lord led us to do more so that we can reach the Chinese-speaking effectively. After a Pastoral Summit meeting in July 2022, the pastors decided to trust God to announce the date of the new service.

After the announcement, we began to see God’s hand at work. In a short span of one month, we formed the different teams needed to start the service. We have the preaching and hosting team, worship team, follow-up team, AVL team, connectors (Ushers) and communion team. For many of them, it was stepping out in faith to try new things including speaking, reading, singing and praying in Chinese.

The target group for this service is young families, working adults and the Chinese-speaking community. We were very excited when an 18-year-old joined us and decided to serve as a musician. We knew God was at work.

The worship team leading our congregation into the presence of God

We would start our service with Pre-Service Scripture reciting and declaration of blessings over one another to prepare ourselves to worship God and to hear His Word. Many testified they felt the strong presence of God and His love in the service. We also conducted the first GROW class to empower our people to boldly share the gospel.

Four months have passed and we have a total of seven salvations, an average of 40 persons in weekly attendance and new people coming to our service almost every week.

Letting God minister to our hearts

This year in February, we are excited to launch the new Chinese Alpha course and Seeker’s Sensitive Service to reach out to the lost. The Alpha course will be held over eight consecutive Saturdays starting from February 11, 2023, 12 to 2pm.

Our weekly Sunday service is at 10 to 11.30am. The pastor-in-charge is Ps Marilyn Chew. You are welcome to join us at 103, Lavender Street Level 2, Singapore 338725. Please feel free to connect with us at

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