AG CommunityHappenings

Royal Rangers Outpost #21 (ZFGC) Heads Out to the Park

By Junior Commanders Hilary Lee and Brayden Lim

A day of fun and learning. 

On April 2, 2023, the Junior Commanders (JCs) of Outpost #21, Zion Full Gospel Church (ZFGC), helped to plan and conduct the Outpost outing to Tiong Bahru Park. The purpose was for the Rangers to strengthen their bonds with fellow Rangers and Commanders; as well as having moments to learn about God’s love, while enjoying God’s creation.

From the toddlers in Rainbow Tots (RT) to the Pre-teens in Adventure Rangers (AR), a total of 30 Rangers (ages 1 to 13 years old), seven JCs, seven Commanders and five parents participated in the outing. Before the event started, the skies looked gloomy and there was a slight drizzle at the park. But the rain cleared shortly before the Rangers arrived at the park and with the cloud cover, it turned out to be not too sunny.

Rangers and Commanders doing an adorable frog pose for games


The Rangers had a fun time playing games with the theme centered around nature. Firstly, they were tasked to find hidden animal drawings scattered around the park. Next up, a more mentally challenging game was introduced. Rangers had to act out their favorite animal and at the same time remember the actions of other fellow Rangers. Some chose simple animal actions like sitting frogs, while others chose more adventurous animal actions such as a monkey having to hug a tree!

With everyone enjoying themselves, the games finished faster than expected. The Rangers had free time to explore the train-themed playground and play around the sand pit. Those who preferred less physical activity were content to walk around the park and appreciate the birds and plants in the area.

Rangers explore the playground while Commanders ensure their safety


A time of devotion was then carried out by Ranger Kids (RK) Commander Jolene. She shared a simple yet impactful message about God as the Great Creator. Since Easter was on the following Sunday, Commander Jolene also shared about God’s saving grace. Props such as toy eggs and skittles were utilized to show how we are forgiven of our sins because of Jesus’ death on the cross. Plastic eggs containing candy and Bible verses written on pieces of paper were then given out to bless the Rangers. Many Rangers were delighted to discover hidden candy in their eggs and wasted no time in enjoying these hidden treats.

During Devotion Time where Rangers listening to God’s word shared by Commander Jolene

Council of Achievement

With the remaining time, the Council of Achievement (COA) was held outdoors at the park. Patches were awarded to each Ranger, according to the Bible and skill merits they had completed in the first Quarter. For the Ranger Kids, awards in the form of snacks and stationery were presented to them instead. With joyful beaming faces, the Rangers received their awards personally from their Commanders.

Overall, the Outpost outing was a huge success! Thanks to the help of the Commanders and parents, and even the enthusiastic participation from the Rangers throughout the event. Of course, not forgetting God’s favor and provision, which had made possible the smooth running of the outing!

Jacqueline (RK), “I felt happy as I got to play with my friends at the playground.”

Immanuel (AR), “It felt nice to hang out with my patrol.”

Rangers were awarded patches by their Commanders at COA

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