AG CommunityHappenings

Signs, Wonders and Miracles Class at ACTS College

By Reetha Vanimogan, ACTS College

Our ACTS College students sat under the passion-driven teaching of Rev Everett McKinney on Signs, Wonders and Miracles.

There is, without a doubt, a growing heartbeat in the Christian sphere seeking revival in anticipation of the end-time harvest. Removing the element of moving in the Holy Spirit in Christianity would taint the perspective of both believers and unbelievers on the power of the gospel and the cross. Great is the need to step out in faith with the realization and belief that miracles are still possible even today because the God we serve is the same yesterday, today and forever.

That was one of the many takeaways one would have received from the passion-driven teaching of Rev Everett McKinney, who, throughout eight sessions, taught the module, ‘Signs, Wonders and Miracles’ for ACTS College students. His heart was to leave behind a group of next-generation leaders with a firm Pentecostal philosophy of life and ministry laden with a vision for the work of the Holy Spirit in and through them. The class was also blessed to hear from his wife, who shed light on the necessity of living in intimacy with God. Her perspective and insights on ministry enriched the personal lives of the students. Attending that module was one of the best ways to begin 2024.

The missionary and well-respected teacher focused on the practical and theological aspects of ministering in Signs, Wonders and Miracles. He shared his personal and ministerial experiences of having encountered revivals during his lifetime, including witnessing God’s power during a tent meeting of Oral Roberts. The module has most definitely stirred up the faith of the classroom of second and third-generation Christians to arise in bravado in their own life and ministries.


Andrew Teoh, GDip student (Missionary in South America)

Rev Everett McKinney taught with solid biblical and balanced content that was practical and interactive. At the age of 84 and amid his wife’s post-operation confinement, he imparted the four evenings and four full-day sessions over two weeks with such incredible passion and energy that I am sure all the students walked away with more than impartation of knowledge, but acquaintance with what it means to live a spirit-filled life, dependent on the Lord’s supernatural strength and grace, and to be continually being faith-filled and expectantly for the supernatural. I am utterly amazed and impacted by his life, teaching and example!

Daphne Quek, MDiv student

Despite growing up with stories of miracles and spiritual encounters, ministering in the supernatural has always felt distant, something reserved for select, anointed ministers. Yet throughout these eight sessions spanning two weeks, Rev Everett McKinney has, through his vulnerability in sharing his testimonies and insights gained through years of ministerial experience, illuminated the purity and simplicity of the Father’s heart behind Signs, Wonders and Miracles and reignited in me a passion and desire to pursue a spirit-empowered ministry that flows out of a spirit-filled life. I have been incredibly blessed by his and his wife’s ministry and pray that the seeds sown by them will continue to grow into a blessing to the next generation.

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