
Stop the Extinction and See Kingdom Expansion!

By Rev Dominic Yeo, Chairman of the World AG Fellowship

God has just flagged the World Assemblies of God Fellowship on for her next lap in the race. With every baton of leadership that is handed from generation to generation, there is a generational blessing and anointing that continues for the new generation. That generational blessing is upon us as we march toward our divine mandate to grow the World AG Fellowship churches to one million by the year 2033.

While His mandate and our mission are clear, it’s important for us to recognize that there is spiritual pushback for every kingdom advancement endeavor. The enemy’s mission has been the same for generations – to bring extinction to the church of Jesus Christ.

Our role is to stop the extinction so that the church of Jesus Christ continues to take ground in every generation!

Our role is to stop the extinction so that the church of Jesus Christ continues to take ground in every generation! We are closer to extinction than we think we are. Negligence will cause us to be one step and one generation away from extinction. God is a god of the generations. MM33 isn’t just for this moment but for the generations to come!

We are called to SHINE! The congress theme of Shine should continue to echo in our hearts. If we do not awaken to shine then darkness will prevail over our nations. If we do not awaken to shine, chaos will be the highlight of our nations and spiritual death will come upon our world. We need to shine for the sake of our nation, society, family, and the sake of our generations and the generations to come!

It is not just enough to have a thriving church today and fail to be prepared for our tomorrow.

God is concerned about the generations to come. He’s a God of continuity. It is not just enough to have a thriving church today and fail to be prepared for our tomorrow.

When the church fails to live by the definitions of the Word of God, we are one step toward extinction. The Bible tells us to bring the sick to church. But when COVID-19 hit the world, instead of being defined by the Word of God, we allowed ourselves to be redefined and told the sick to stay home and tune in to church online!

When the church does not produce disciples, we are one generation away from extinction. If the church does not produce disciples, the church will become an endangered species. Large crowds can dissipate quickly – COVID-19 revealed that truth to us when many churches saw an exodus of congregation members who have not returned to church even though the doors have reopened.

When the church cannot win souls and add to the church, we become a losing stock and a liability in the Kingdom and Economy of the Kingdom of God.Let’s not be happy with transfer growth, but rejoice when we shift the spiritual climate in our cities and nations.

When the church is not concerned with Kingdom Expansion through Church Planting, we lose our purpose and calling. When we allow ourselves to become encumbered by prosperity, celebrity status, and political correctness, we miss the mark and perform a disservice to the people we lead. The Christian life is not just about health and prosperity, it’s about kingdom expansion.

Kingdom expansion through church planting is what we are emphasizing as the Assemblies of God.

Kingdom expansion through church planting is what we are emphasizing as the Assemblies of God. As the chairman of this global denomination, I commit to giving all my energy toward this mission of seeing One Million churches a reality.

We can’t let the baton in the race drop. We must understand that every generation has its race to run. The closure of one generation is the opening chapter of the next generation. When God introduced Himself as the father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, each of those generations told a story. It’s not an isolated story but a continuance of the God who works within each generation.

The baton for one million churches has now been handed to THIS generation. It is now upon us to run this lap well and continue to pass it to the next generation who will assume the responsibility to keep on running this race till completion. And if Christ continues to tarry after 2033, we will be one million churches stronger to keep on winning more souls and planting more churches till He returns!

As we make efforts to stop the extinction of the church by living according to the definitions of the Word of God, by producing disciples, by winning souls, and by church planting, I see a new era for the World Assemblies of God happening.

In this new era for the World AG Fellowship, I believe we will have greater Togetherness. Unity will be our strength and dynamo to make new waves in our cities and nations. I see greater covenantal relationships among General Superintendents of the World AG Fellowship. Let nothing break the bond of fellowship among us.

As we move with greater Togetherness, I see elevated levels of Training happening in our General Councils and at Regional gatherings. We may be a movement of the Spirit, but we can also grow our Bible Schools for stronger development of pastors and leaders and in turn, see our churches stronger.

With greater Togetherness and elevated levels of Training happening all across our AG General Councils, I believe we will have an explosion of Transformations! There will be powerful moves of God in our churches, communities, and nations!

Now as the chairman of the World AG Fellowship, I call all of us to join the World in these 3 ‘T’s – Togetherness, Training, and Transformation and the MM33 Mandate where we will accomplish the task of missions, to see great evangelization, strong prayer movements, and discipleship.

Here in Singapore AG, we have had the privilege of growing in the 3 T’s since 2010 and have seen how God has forged us stronger as a denomination. Now as the chairman of the World AG Fellowship, I call all of us to join the World in these 3 ‘T’s – Togetherness, Training, and Transformation and the MM33 Mandate where we will accomplish the task of missions, to see great evangelization, strong prayer movements, and discipleship.

Let us see Kingdom Expansion happening together for the glory of God! Amen!



神刚为世界神召会团契下个阶段的接力赛立定目标。随着领袖的棒子从一代交给下一代,祝福和恩膏也延续到新一代。当我们朝着神圣的使命迈进,立志于 2033 年将世界神召会团契的教会增加到 一百万所,这历代的祝福也临到我们。
















在新加坡神召会,我们自2010年以来在3T方面成长,并看到神如何将我们打造为一个更强大的宗派。现在,我以世界神召会团契主席的身份呼吁大家加入这个世界性的3T,既团结、培训和转化(Togetherness, Training, and Transformation)以及MM33使命。我们将在其中完成宣教的任务,看到福音广传、强大祷告运动和门徒训练。

为了神的荣耀,让我们一起见证国度的扩展! 阿门!

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