
The Joy of Easter

By Ps Amadea Seow, Maranatha Christian Assembly

Finding joy in Easter.

Jonathan Edward said, “The resurrection of Christ is the most joyful event that ever came to pass.” Rightfully so, the resurrection is indeed the most joyful and divine event in Biblical history that is worthy of all eternal adulation, awe and wonder. He has defeated death, defeated sin and defeated evil and no power nor enemy can sequester the joy that Christ brings as He bursts out of the tomb victoriously. Therefore, it only takes us to believe in His resurrection to live in the same joy with Him.

Joy because We are Set Free

Easter is a constant reminder for us as believers that the hunt for eternal life is also over. Romans 4:25 wrote that “Christ was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” It simply means that the resurrection was God’s sovereign act to emblazon the completed work of our justification through the blood of Christ and His righteousness before the throne of justice. Hence our eternal life can only be found in Christ because it is His resurrection that frees us from sin.

As much as we know and understand the truth, Satan, that joy thief would sneakily come and distort the truth, trapping believers into the shackle of guilt and shame thinking that we are condemned despite being united with Christ.

As much as we know and understand the truth, Satan, that joy thief would sneakily come and distort the truth, trapping believers into the shackle of guilt and shame thinking that we are condemned despite being united with Christ. John 3:17 wrote, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” Therefore, we have to constantly remind ourselves that Christ has set us free from sin through His blood and righteousness. He is not here to condemn us but to save us from the bondage of sin and death. Hence we should constantly remind ourselves of our freedom in Christ because it is that reminder develops a deep rooted joy in life.

Joy because We Can Have a Relationship with God

Easter is also a beautiful reminder of God’s master plan to redeem us so that we can have an eternal relationship with Him. Firstly, it is the joyful restoration of our relationship with God. Before the resurrection, the desire to be with God was separated by sin. We lived in fear, not knowing where and when we would have to pay for our sins. But God who also yearns to be in a relationship with us rescued us through Christ. Christ paid our debt, bought our freedom and now through Him we are redeemed. Galatians 4:4-5 wrote, But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” This is the first joy of being in a relationship with God through the resurrection of Christ.

This is the first joy of being in a relationship with God through the resurrection of Christ.

Secondly, the joy of being in a relationship with God is coming under His care as His adopted children. Matthew 7:11 wrote, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” Now, as believers, we are not only adopted sons but we have the prerequisite to pray to a Heavenly Father who is eager to pour out every spiritual blessing on us in every way that leads us to a full and satisfying joy that no one can rob  us of.  All you need to do is to ask. This Easter, I encourage you to immerse yourself in this amazing relationship with God and ask Him for any help you need for He is able and He will.

Joy because We Can Hope in Our Sufferings

Easter is also a pure reminder that we can find joy because we have hope in spite of our sufferings. Jesus suffered on earth and then entered glory, hence as heirs with Christ we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) we are “raised with Christ” by faith with the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead (Colossians 3:1; Romans 8:11). Therefore, we know that life on earth is short and temporal because we will enter eternal life in heaven through the redemptive work of Christ. Therefore Romans 8:18 wrote, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” The hope of  knowing that our suffering on earth is only for a short while as compared to the eternal life in heaven we were graced by God through Christ. Hence, our joy is that we can hope in our temporal sufferings. 

Easter is also a pure reminder that we can find joy because we have hope in spite of our sufferings.

The second joy we get to experience while we hope in our suffering is knowing that we can come to God in need. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Through Christ we can ask anything in His Name and it will be given to us through His power to provide. We also know that as we go through suffering, God is with us, strengthening us along the way as He provides the timely help we need to tide through our sufferings. Hence, the ability to hope in our suffering brings forth joy in our lives.


The Easter joy Jesus foretold has arrived, and it is deeply personal. The resurrection is both a cosmic event and yet it comes intimately close, reminding us of God’s work in our lives. Such a restoring and reviving joy was purchased for you and me in the resurrection of Christ. Christ is risen from the dead!

Brothers and sisters, let us feast and celebrate, for the dawning light of our inextinguishable and inexhaustible eternal pleasures have broken into the darkness, giving us a life of joy in Christ that cannot fade or rust or be stolen away!

Today, delight in the resurrection joy of Christ, pray that it would embolden you to live victoriously and treasure it for all eternity.

Ps Amadea Seow is a NextGen pastor ministering at Maranatha Christian Assembly. She also serves at the AGNGC and is a clinical counselor who works with children, adolescents and families.

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