Ministry Life

What Benefits can Short-Term Mission Trips Reap?

Are short-term mission trips even effective? Here are some ways these trips can make a difference
if we follow God’s lead. Rev Raymond Seet shares.

Short-term mission trips can range from a few days to a week or two. It is natural to wonder how much impact we can make for God’s Kingdom in such a short time.

It is possible for such a trip to provide us with great opportunities to use our gifts meaningfully, and to serve and teach the people from diverse backgrounds. In this way, not only can we impact others, we can also grow spiritually, and are equipped for greater contributions in the future. The key is to follow God’s lead.

Remember the story of Jonah in the Bible, where God told him to go to the city of Nineveh to call the people to repent. What should have been a straightforward three-day trip became an ordeal for Jonah due to his disobedience. This reminds us that even short mission trips can be effective, as long as we give our humble submission to God’s calling and trust in His leading.

Here are five ways we can focus on God’s leading to ensure we make a
difference on a short-term mission trip.

I. Remember the Objective: Spreading the Gospel
The prime objective of every mission trip is to spread the good news of Christ’s salvation. Of course, training will be provided to guide us on how to share a message or personal testimony that can leave lasting impact on those who hear them. However, it can still feel daunting to learn how to spread the gospel to people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

As we step forward in faith to go on a missions trip to spread the gospel, remember that the Holy Spirit will always be in our midst to guide us toward clearly communicating our message or testimony. More importantly, trust that the gospel truths will transform the hearts of those we share them to!

As we step forward in faith to go on a missions trip to spread the gospel, remember that the Holy Spirit will always be in our midst to guide us toward clearly communicating our message or testimony.

II. God is the One Who Enables
“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4 says that when we do not remain with Him, we can do nothing. Wherever God leads us, whatever work He wants us to do, that is what we should be doing. We must remember that apart from God, our efforts are futile!

So, what really matters is not the place or length of time for each mission trip, but our submission and obedience in doing God’s work for His Kingdom’s glory. As we prepare for the trip and even during the
trip itself, let us focus on listening to God’s leading and obey what He wants us to do, and ask Him to enable us.

III. Trust God to Widen Perspectives
These trips provide a bigger picture of God’s Kingdom. By seeing how different cultures lead to varying atmospheres of churches and ministries, our perspective of God’s Kingdom becomes much wider, and our faith levels are stretched.

By stepping out of our comfort zones in our home churches, we might be able to see clearer the fields that are ripe for harvest, both overseas and at home, which we may have been oblivious to until stepping
out for the missions trip. Let’s allow God to show us what fields of harvests may be around us.

These trips provide a bigger picture of God’s Kingdom.

IV. Build Godly Relationships
While street evangelism and sharing the gospel with strangers may see some conversions, building on these relationships and living out the lives that God has called us to, will help us to win souls that are anchored in God’s Word. We must remember that our ultimate objective is to make disciples of Jesus, not just gaining believers.

In addition, it can be a challenge for missionaries to find the encouragement and spiritual support they need. Let us encourage them by not only by serving alongside them in their ministries, but serving them as well. Let them feel the love and support from the fellow Christian community.

V. Allow God to Stretch You
While such trips help us gain a deeper learning of ministry work, it is even more powerful to learn about how we can use our own giftings in a ministry to serve the body of Christ.

As we allow God to transform lives through us, let us also ask Him to grow our giftings and empower us to share the gospel with every tongue, tribe and nation, to the end of the world.

How to know if a mission trip is right for you
So, when you are prayerfully considering where to go and which mission trip is right for you, ask yourself the following questions:

a) Does this trip have clear goals and purposes that I know God is calling me to accomplish?

b) Do the leaders of this trip exhibit godly character?

c) Is this trip meant for a reached or unreached people? How will that affect my decision?

d) Are there ways for me to serve, love and share the gospel with others?

Ultimately, mission trips, regardless of how long or short they are, aim to glorify God, by loving people the way Jesus would. If you have a passion to tell people who Jesus is and create a desire in them to worship Him, chances are you are suitable for the trip.

Ultimately, mission trips, regardless of how long or short they are, aim to glorify God, by loving people the way Jesus would.

Undoubtedly, God will show up during your short mission trips to teach you how to love others, serve Him and make a difference wherever you go. You just need to take that first step in faith.

Join a missions trip today!

Rev Raymond Seet has 32 years of ministry experience and is currently serving in Emmanuel AG’s Indonesian Service. He graduated from Global University. He is married to Ernawatie and they have three grown-up
children with ages of 28, 26 and 24. He enjoys walks during his leisure time.

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