General Superintendent MessageMinistry Life

Why Church Planting  

By Rev Dominic Yeo

When a new branch of a famous food chain announces its opening at a place near you, there is a buzz of excitement in the neighborhood. Popping by the new joint to check it out isn’t difficult. If you like what is served there, you can easily patronize the restaurant regularly. There’s just something special about the NEW. There is an air of excitement that accompany new beginnings!

By planting churches in new communities, it creates proximity for access and reach to people in that new community

Now imagine new churches popping up in every community. By planting churches in new communities, it creates proximity for access and reach to people in that new community. It brings fresh hope into the new community. It catches the attention of people who may be thinking about visiting a church. It delivers the Gospel closer to the doorsteps and hearts of people.

Church planting is for the advancement of the Gospel. Since the time of Acts, God has been growing His kingdom and multiplying His church. With more churches planted, there will be more centers where worship, teaching of the Word and discipleship can take place! It’s about seeing every corner of the earth filled with a lighthouse of God.

Church planting also caters to the growth of churches. Don’t judge the strength and health of a church by its seating capacity, but by its sending capabilities! Church planting helps renew an existing church as they rally a new congregation to avail themselves to be seeded for a new church plant. As a new church is birthed out of that “mother” congregation, the faith, prayers and excitement of pioneering a new church and sending out of leaders and members creates a momentum of faith. This applies to both the “mother” congregation and new church plant as they fulfil the Great Commission together. Leaders and members who are part of the pioneering work often grow in great dependence in prayer and on the Holy Spirit.

With the official launch of the MM33 initiative later this year, there’s been much discussion on church planting. The goal of planting one million churches for the Lord by the year 2033 will require our unified efforts.

Here’s how we can be unified in church planting.

Ask God to enlarge our vision. The thought of church planting may sound incredulous to you. But I am reminded of William Carey, the father of modern missions who advocated for world missions when missions were primarily directed at unreached people groups in one’s home country. He said “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”

There is a new move of God. If we are to reach the world, we need to break through into an exponential growth pattern.

It does not take a megachurch to start new churches, it takes YOU to be available.

Be willing to be seeded by God. It does not take a megachurch to start new churches, it takes YOU to be available. It takes you to start praying for the harvest, actively sharing the Gospel and leading people to Christ. It takes you to say “Here I am, send me!”. It’s easy to remain in the comfort of familiarity of your home church. But if we are to reach the world, we have to allow God to plant us in new territories.

Will you be willing to be planted by God in a new church to reach new communities of people?













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