AG ChurchesHappenings

Zion Full Gospel Church Camp 2024 – Live by Faith

By Zion Full Gospel Church

A time to come together as a church in camp to worship, empowered and play.

The annual church camp at Zion Full Gospel Church is always a cherished and unforgettable experience for many. This year’s camp was exceptional, exceeding all expectations as members of ZFGC came together for a wonderful time of fellowship and a powerful worship experience in His presence. The theme for the camp followed the church’s overall theme for 2024—Live by Faith, taken from 1 Peter 1. The vision is to see a generation of believers wholeheartedly committed to living by faith with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was a 4-day and 3-night camp at Double Tree Hilton Hotel in Malacca from June 6 to 9, 2024. Members from various congregations took part, fostering a sense of unity and were greatly enriched by the ministry of God’s Word.

Worshipping as a church at camp service

Ps Benny Ho, the Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church in Perth, Western Australia, was the keynote speaker for the English congregation. In the opening session, he spoke on the five movements of faith and inspired us all to READ, REFLECT, RECORD, and RESPOND to God’s Word in obedience. He challenged the older generation to continue sowing in the local church with their wealth of experience and build an intentional bridge to disciple the younger generation. In morning sessions, he spoke on the importance of placing our trust in the “God of the Already” and crossing over by following the ark, hearing His Word and stepping out in faith. In the closing night session, he shared from Leviticus 6:10-13, encouraging all to keep the fire burning by preserving in prayer, being knitted in a Godly community and through the power of the Holy Spirit. His messages left us all feeling spiritually motivated and uplifted.

Guest-speaker, Ps Benny Ho

Rev Emily Tan ministered to the Chinese and Hokkien congregations. She opened the first session with a scripture reading from Revelations 16:8-9, 21 and drew a contrast on the power of God’s name. She explained the importance of constantly depending on the victorious God and learning to call upon the Lord’s name. In the subsequent sessions, she shared how to love God from our hearts as believers, remain connected to Him who is love, and live out love, for we are God’s instruments of grace and love. In the final night session, Rev Emily spoke on the revival fire of God through the Holy Spirit and led members in a time of receiving the gifts of the Spirit and experiencing the move of the Spirit tangibly. At the closing morning session, she urged all to pay attention to God’s voice and spend time in His presence listening and reading His Word. The ministry of God’s Word at camp left a deep impression on many who responded to the altar call for a time of renewal and personal revival.

Rev Emily Tan preaching to our Chinese and Hokkien congregations
Lives were ministered

The youth ministry games committee put in extra effort to plan activities for the youth campers. Through the various games, they forged new friendships and stronger bonds. During session times, many of the youth at camp testified of their encounters with God and responded in passionate worship and prayer.

Youth-full energy bringing the right vibes

The children at the camp were ministered to by Rev Flora Chew and Teacher Poh Hoon from Scripture Union. The children were taught how to “Be Strong and Brave” for the Lord, taken from Psalm 31:24. They learned to be bold with love for others, ready for God’s mission, adventurous to discover God’s way, live victoriously for Jesus, and be elated for God as His child. The children presented their theme song in the final session with great enthusiasm and excitement. Many were moved to witness their passion and love for God’s Word. Many expressed gratitude for the incredible experience at church camp 2024 and gave all the glory to God for an enriching time.

Our children were having fun learning God’s Word
Every hearts touched and faith-filled

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